Introducing different age chicks to start flock.


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2023
So, I have 3 age groups of chicks. I currently have 6 Americanas that are 8 weeks old and in the permanent coop and run (8x8 coop 8x24 run). I have 6 to 10 that I will be integrating soon that are 6 weeks old. Do I need to slowly introduce them? The breeds are RIR, Wyandottes, and blue rocks. I then have 6 more blue Australorp pullets to introduce in a few weeks (currently 4 weeks old). I’m trying to do this efficiently lol. I don’t know that I will keep all of these ladies, I ended up with way more than expected. I also have 2 black Australorp roosters that I got from a local guy that are currently quarantined to ensure they are healthy (7 weeks old). All of the hens I have were raised by me from chicks, bought at 3 different feed stores as day old chicks from well known hatcheries.

I am not concerned with sickness, I am concerned about the pecking and fighting. How would you all get these guys introduced? I was going to mix the 4 week olds with the 6 week olds, but the size difference is SUBSTANTIAL. I’m sure once the Roos are over quarantine they will be able to just be introduced over a day or 2… as they are currently together and will quickly figure things out within the flock.

Just for clarification, we are on several fenced acres that they will eventually have free range of in the evenings. Just gotta get them all used to each other and the coop! It was tough just to get the Americanas to understand that the coop was where they sleep!

Any help is appreciated!
Can you fence off a section of the coop or run for the younger birds? At this age they're more accepting of newcomers so I don't anticipate a long see but no touch period (maybe a day or two and then you can try taking the fence again), but it'll help ease them together while protecting the younger birds from being pecked.

Alternatively you can try just putting the 6 week olds out, with some supervision, and see how they do with the 8 week olds without separating. And then do it again in a couple of weeks with the next group of chicks. I'd probably go this route but be ready to separate with a fence if needed.
So, I have 3 age groups of chicks. I currently have 6 Americanas that are 8 weeks old and in the permanent coop and run (8x8 coop 8x24 run). I have 6 to 10 that I will be integrating soon that are 6 weeks old. Do I need to slowly introduce them? The breeds are RIR, Wyandottes, and blue rocks. I then have 6 more blue Australorp pullets to introduce in a few weeks (currently 4 weeks old). I’m trying to do this efficiently lol. I don’t know that I will keep all of these ladies, I ended up with way more than expected. I also have 2 black Australorp roosters that I got from a local guy that are currently quarantined to ensure they are healthy (7 weeks old). All of the hens I have were raised by me from chicks, bought at 3 different feed stores as day old chicks from well known hatcheries.

I am not concerned with sickness, I am concerned about the pecking and fighting. How would you all get these guys introduced? I was going to mix the 4 week olds with the 6 week olds, but the size difference is SUBSTANTIAL. I’m sure once the Roos are over quarantine they will be able to just be introduced over a day or 2… as they are currently together and will quickly figure things out within the flock.

Just for clarification, we are on several fenced acres that they will eventually have free range of in the evenings. Just gotta get them all used to each other and the coop! It was tough just to get the Americanas to understand that the coop was where they sleep!

Any help is appreciated!
Did they do okay?

I'm sure this has been resolved and figured out but for anyone else looking for ideas, we had similar age differences and integrating. We set up a fence inside the run/coop area. I forget who I saw the idea from where she set up a brooder in this group.

We also set up tote lids for an escape if need be. They seem to get along well now. Been outside together for 4 or so weeks maybe longer


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