Is this normal?


Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2023
Is this normal? And if not what do I do to help? This is a bantam cochin chick about a week or so old, mailorder from Ideal as one of 8 hatchery choice bantam cochins. Could be frizzle. Any help is appreciated!


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I don't know anything about Frizzles.
@MysteryChicken do you have any thoughts?

@MandyMusshafen if your chick is eating/drinking/active/interacting with the other chicks, then I would not worry too much about her at this time.
Cute Chick!
Thanks! It seems to be acting normal, although we've had some issues with several of the ones we ordered with this batch. I lost one (pic included) that had me worried from the get go early on. It was extra tiny even for bantam standards, and not as feisty as the others. It looked like a tiny little hummingbird. I've lost 2 of the 6 partridge I ordered in that batch to poo problems, and I'm battling pasty butt with the other 4. The yellow chick with the funky wings isn't having those issues though. This is my 4th batch of chicks in the brooder (1st from Ideal) and by far the worst!


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I've never owned any frizzled chicken breeds either, & probably never will. Personally I don't like the feather type, & also problems will arise if two frizzled birds breed.
I'm not a fan of Frizzles either. I personally think they look like there is something wrong with you can see by this post! I didn't say that in my response to you bc I didn't want to offend you if you were a frizzle lover, but since your not I can dish! 🤣
None of my current birds are frizzled so if this is the only one, i should be fine! They had hatchery choice bantam cochins for like 1.50 each so that's how I ended up with that 1 (hopefully) to begin with. Of course the expensive chicks (partridge) I ordered in that batch are the ones giving me a run for my money! 🤦‍♀️
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Frizzle or not, sometimes chicks can have wonky looking feathers when they start feathering out. As they get more, fill in the gaps, things start to look more normal. I wouldn't worry.
I don't have any frizzles, but I have a neighbor that does. Depending on where you live, they can have trouble staying warm in the winter sometimes, their feathers just don't insulate as well. She thought her frizzle roo was really sick this past winter and asked me to have a look, turned out he was just chilled, recovered fine once he got warmed up. And we are in North Florida, not nearly as cold or for as long as farther north. Just something to be aware of.
Thanks! It seems to be acting normal, although we've had some issues with several of the ones we ordered with this batch. I lost one (pic included) that had me worried from the get go early on. It was extra tiny even for bantam standards, and not as feisty as the others. It looked like a tiny little hummingbird. I've lost 2 of the 6 partridge I ordered in that batch to poo problems, and I'm battling pasty butt with the other 4. The yellow chick with the funky wings isn't having those issues though. This is my 4th batch of chicks in the brooder (1st from Ideal) and by far the worst!
Oh tiny chicks!

Sorry for your losses:(

For tiny babies, I grind the feed down in a food processor for a week or so, this seems to help. I raise Quail too and they are like the tiniest little chicks so grinding feed to a powder or soaking it and offering it as a wet mash are easy ways to get food into them.

Pasty butt can a lot of times be from being too hot or too cold - go figure! It's up to you to determine which I guess. But if they are eating really well and drinking, it seems to help with the pasty butt too.
Are you using a heat plate or lamp? I like the plates better.

Hopefully you can get the pasty butt under control, after you clean the butt, apply a little coconut oil, triple antibiotic ointment or similar to the tissue, this will help soothe it and also helps keep the poop from sticking quite so bad.

Oh tiny chicks!

Sorry for your losses:(

For tiny babies, I grind the feed down in a food processor for a week or so, this seems to help. I raise Quail too and they are like the tiniest little chicks so grinding feed to a powder or soaking it and offering it as a wet mash are easy ways to get food into them.

Pasty butt can a lot of times be from being too hot or too cold - go figure! It's up to you to determine which I guess. But if they are eating really well and drinking, it seems to help with the pasty butt too.
Are you using a heat plate or lamp? I like the plates better.

Hopefully you can get the pasty butt under control, after you clean the butt, apply a little coconut oil, triple antibiotic ointment or similar to the tissue, this will help soothe it and also helps keep the poop from sticking quite so bad.
I think they were getting too hot! We are in Oklahoma so our nights are getting pretty chilly but our days are still hanging around in the 90's! We use a lamp (plan to upgrade to plate in the spring), and leave it pointed in one spot so they can get away from it, but the WHOLE room was getting pretty toasty. We started turning off the lamp during the day and it has seemed to help a lot! I also gave them some electrolytes in their water.
I think I'm going to switch all my birds to mash! I like the idea of being able to put all their supplements (oregano, cinnamon, AC vinegar, pepper flakes, garlic etc in the feed). They are picky about their water, and get upset if I add anything to it (Meds, vinegar, electrolytes) They have access to running water when they free range, so they ignore their water bowl if it's not pure water and avoid taking the meds. They are worse than my kids!
I like A&D ointment for any raw spots or boo boos, and it works wonders. I SWEAR by it for picked feathers! It seems to help them grow their feathers back faster! It's probably just me, but I swear it helps! Lol
We ended up losing 2 more of the partridge ones, so I'm down to 2 of them, but I think we are past the pasty butt now! 🤞
Thanks for the help!!!

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