Is this peat moss ok for a dust bathing area


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
Hi I want to make my feathered baby’s a area to dust bathe I got some peat moss to mix with the sand but it has fertilizer in it will this hurt my chickens should I not use it thanks
Most likely it will. Fertilizer=Chemicals=chickens hurt. Chemicals can hurt you, so they're most likely gonna hurt a chicken.
Could you return this peat moss with the additives to the store and exchange it for plain peat moss? Plain peat moss can safely be used for baby chicks as well as adult chickens.

I've never seen peat moss with fertilizer added. Can you tell us what the bag says is added to the peat moss?
I would not use that in a dust bath, they do eat some of the dirt.
I just grab some dirt from their bathing areas and put it in a bin inside the coop for winter.
Isn't there a small-type "ingredients" list somewhere on the bag? It might say, "active ingredients". "Fertilizer" can be anything from processed water treatment plant sludge to ammonium nitrates.

If the peat moss contain ammonium nitrates, it can cause respiratory irritation, and if it's ingested, it can cause diarrhea and other not-so-good symptoms. So I would not use it with chickens.
I realize I’m a bit late, but wanted to inform the OP (and anyone else who may happen along) that “fertiliza hasta por 3 meses” literally translates from Spanish to “fertilizes for up to 3 months”. It does not mean this product contains actual fertilizer. It’s just another way to say it feeds. Some words just don’t translate well. As always, it’s best to err on the side of caution when in doubt. :)

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