Ivermectin paste?


9 Years
Jul 7, 2010
Liverpool, NY
whats the propper dose? Should I add it to the water or dose them individually? I only have 3 hens so I can do them each. Thanks so much
I have 1 Brown leghorn, 1 Amberlink about 3lb and 1 Rir the name of the paste is Ivermectin paste 1.87% net wt is .21 oz or 6.08g brand is durvet thaks so much for you time and brain!
What are the size of your chickens and the name of the paste?
What are the size of your chickens and the name of the paste?

Dosage is a small "pea" size given to each chicken orally. I recommend that you reworm them again in 10 days with a different wormer such as Safeguard equine paste or Safeguard liquid goat wormer. Dosage for the safeguard equine paste is a regular "pea" size given orally to each chicken. The safeguard liquid goat wormer would be 1/2cc given orally to each chicken. For all the wormers mentioned here, there is a 14 day withdrawal.
THANKYOU!! This stuff is sooooo hard to figure out!! I know they have round worms I saw them in their poo:eek: I'll grab some safe guard too!

Dosage is a small "pea" size given to each chicken orally. I recommend that you reworm them again in 10 days with a different wormer such as Safeguard equine paste or Safeguard liquid goat wormer. Dosage for the safeguard equine paste is a regular "pea" size given orally to each chicken. The safeguard liquid goat wormer would be 1/2cc given orally to each chicken. For all the wormers mentioned here, there is a 14 day withdrawal.
I just tried something with my birds and it worked very well.

I squeezed out the paste dosage for 250 lbs and thinly spread it on a slice of bread. I was able to slice the bread into 25 pieces - 5 rows by 5 columns - making it about a 10 lb dosing per bird

Then I isolated each hen, one at a time and watched them eat a piece of treated bread. Then the hen got picked up and dipped. Did this for the whole flock... Worked great...
I know this is an old post, but I hope ya'll are still monitoring.

I am getting read to do my 13 hens. I am using the same brand as mentioned in this post, but the expiration date on the end is March 2018. Can I save what I do not use and use it for a later worming (rotate 3 different ones, so roughly 18 months later)? It's pretty cheap, but I hate to waste anything.
Does this pea-sized dose of paste wormer work for scaly leg mites, too?

The best way to deal with leg mites is to soak the legs in warm soapy water and gently rub with an old toothbrush just to loosen the scales. After drying the legs, apply $3 castor oil or vaseline (more messy) rubbing it into the scales anout once a week to smother mites until the scales are healthy.

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