Ivermectin use in cats?

This morning as usual I put Scaredy's food in her dish and knocked the ice out of her water bowl and gave her fresh water. She did not come out of her house - too cold I guess. I noticed the blue jays eating her feed and had the Princess watch how they fill their gullets and fly off to hide the feed. This afternoon Scaredy was out and about and I provided more feed since hers was all gone. After she finished eating she went to her water dish and did something that indicated her intelligence. She looked and then took her paw and tapped to see if it was frozen or not. It was frozen, and I could hear her say, "That's not good." I went out and refilled her water dish, and she got her drink. She really is smart.
This morning as usual I put Scaredy's food in her dish and knocked the ice out of her water bowl and gave her fresh water. She did not come out of her house - too cold I guess. I noticed the blue jays eating her feed and had the Princess watch how they fill their gullets and fly off to hide the feed. This afternoon Scaredy was out and about and I provided more feed since hers was all gone. After she finished eating she went to her water dish and did something that indicated her intelligence. She looked and then took her paw and tapped to see if it was frozen or not. It was frozen, and I could hear her say, "That's not good." I went out and refilled her water dish, and she got her drink. She really is smart.

Scaredy is a smarty, what a good girl she is. :love
I think that she knew it was going to snow. She didn't retire to her house until after midnight. I was worried that something had bothered her in her house the night before. I shoveled a path on the deck, but she never came out until 1 PM demanding her brunch.

It's like I've always said, Scaredy is one smart cat! How much snow did you end up with Sour?
How much snow did you end up with Sour?
We got 7 or 8 " of heavy wet snow. Neighbor plowed the driveway and I cleared the front walk and a path on the deck. Also cleaned off the cars and finished off the parking area. I have to admit that I thought: "How much longer will I be physically able to do this?"
We got 7 or 8 " of heavy wet snow. Neighbor plowed the driveway and I cleared the front walk and a path on the deck. Also cleaned off the cars and finished off the parking area. I have to admit that I thought: "How much longer will I be physically able to do this?"
Don't worry, Sour. I'm sure Elon will invent a snow shoveling robot for residential use any day now.
We got 7 or 8 " of heavy wet snow. Neighbor plowed the driveway and I cleared the front walk and a path on the deck. Also cleaned off the cars and finished off the parking area. I have to admit that I thought: "How much longer will I be physically able to do this?"

That's plenty, especially with it being wet. Be careful out there!
Yesterday Scaredy found a semi dry spot up against the house and hunkered down for most of the day. Today was so warm that she actually stretched out in a shady spot. Once it started cooling down she moved out into the sun. She is starting to appear a bit arthritic again. She was good most of the winter.

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