Keeping clean tips?

Isabella Mcadams

Apr 14, 2021
Hey y’all, I’ve got eleven ducks and I have a house for them to sleep in at night that I bed with large flake pine shavings. It gets SO dirty SO fast, so I was wondering if y’all had any tips for keeping things clean. I hate having to wash feces off my eggs the day after I clean their house. I just want relatively clean eggs 😩
My ducks sleeping area is also pine shavings. Each morning I use a large metal dustpan and small rake and just rake through all the shavings and pick up all the wet poopy parts. It's easier to stay on top of it by cleaning every day, and you don't want your girls to sleep in a wet dirty mess. Your eggs will also be clean then.
How big is the house? I found it more difficult when I had too many ducks for the space.
Personally, I put hay on top of small flake pine. The hay catches the big poop and the pine flakes absorb the liquid. But, I either push day’s poopy hay to the sides of the house or I empty it daily. I use the used hay in the meshed coop part of my setup. So, I am adding new hay daily. About once a month, I remove the shavings and replace them. I also have nest boxes which are large food containers ( ) filled with shavings and hay. My eggs are usually clean.

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