Limping Hen No Signs of Injuries


Mar 23, 2022
I have a hen, 6 months old and she was limping the last couple of days. Today she will hardly put weight on it at all. I've checked her feet and legs and there are no signs of bumps, cuts, or bruises. All that I notice is that her ankle seems larger than the other when I feel it. It must be swelling. I begin to squeeze and she makes no movement or noise of pain. I flex the leg and she doesn't make a move or sound. All I can guess is its maybe a sprain from getting on and off the roost or something.

What can I do to allow her to heal? I don't let her out to free range with the other birds and I try to catch them before they roost so I can put her up there. Should I wrap the leg for support or what? Any ideas would be appreciated.
Could you post some pictures of the swollen leg in the am? Keep her isolated in a dog crate with food Ana’s water so she isn’t bullied or over using her legs. If a vet is possible for an X-ray to see if it is fractured or if it is just a sprain, that would be good. A chicken sling may be helpful, if she will tolerate one, to take any pressure off her legs. How high are the roosts? Do you have a rooster? I will check back in the morning.
She is not being bullied. I'd rather not isolate her if not necessary. They get pretty stressed out when they are separated. No vet or x rays. Not to be harsh, but a chicken just isn't worth a vet bill of almost any size. That's why I'm here.

I have a 2 level roost. The first level is about 3' and the top level 4'. There is a small "ladder" available to get up and down if they want to use it. Most of them just fly up and fly down. My coop floor is about 4" to 6" of hay, so very soft.

I am attaching pictures of the right leg (the good one) and the left leg so you can compare. Its very difficult to tell from a photo. The ankle is just where the feathers start so its mostly covered. I can only tell by feel. I also felt higher up the leg toward the body but those felt the same.


We are not talking about a lot of swelling. But there is a definite difference when I feel. With the good leg its like I can immediately feel the bones. But on the other there is a padding before you can feel bone.
Can you stand so that you could get a picture of her legs side by side. The ankle is above the foot and the hock is the next joint. Does she have any swelling above the foot?

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