Michigan Thread - all are welcome!



Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
Folks, the original Michigan thread was closed yesterday due to flaming; many hours were spent cleaning it up, and it was reopened, only to have folks come in and begin flaming, trolling, and questioning moderation. Due to the extent of the clean-up needed, it has been decided by the Staff that the original thread will remain closed, but out on the forum so that folks can access the information it contains.

To those of you who are regular contributors - please take a moment to review the rules you all agreed to upon joining BYC. They are found at the bottom of the site under "TOS" - if anyone should have questions or require clarification, feel free to PM a Staff member at any time.

Please also take a moment before posting your replies to re-read what you've written to be sure it's within the rules. None of us Staff want to be "big brother" and watch threads...we simply don't have the time to do so. Thus, we rely on you to keep the peace, and to report posts before problems ensue. Had reports been made long ago, we may have been able to keep the original thread open.

Okie dokie - 'nuf said!
Glad to see you, Sam! And fuzzy. Afraid to say any thing now! Hope all has a good day. It's beautiful outside. What a relief from all that humidity.
I got 5 of my 6 broodies broke. Last one in the brooder box. Couple of days I'll set her free and see what happens. Seems some are also molting! Feathers everywhere!
I'm glad to see we have a Michigan thread up and running once again. One word needs to be remembered by all of us as we post.......civility.

Hopefully everyone will just drop thinking about the old thread. Let it go and move on to enjoying our friendships on our new thread.
Yep - the past is past...move forward. Also, forgive & forget.

What the crap is flaming? I've missed you all today!! Lets behave OK?!?!
First, "what the crap" is certainly not a very civil thing to say. Just sayin'. You may want to have a look at the rules - they are under TOS at the bottom of the page. Flaming is explained fully there.
Backyard farm mom, you do need to smell her crop. The brain damage is also a possibility. Also, Have a good look at your birds, are their combs pale? There could be an underlying problem, like worms or lice. Roosters will often go for the underlings, or the weak ones. She could even be weak from the others not letting her eat enough, there are a lot of possibilities.
The best thing to do is to shadow her for a day or two and see what you can pick up by watching her.

Definitely feed her some cooked yolk and whatever else good you can, seperate from the others. She needs to get her strength up, and unfortunately in the bird world weaklings are not given top priority at the feed station. :(
Glad to see you, Sam! And fuzzy. Afraid to say any thing now! Hope all has a good day. It's beautiful outside. What a relief from all that humidity.
I got 5 of my 6 broodies broke. Last one in the brooder box. Couple of days I'll set her free and see what happens. Seems some are also molting! Feathers everywhere!

I let a few broodies hatch just a couple, and within days of their chicks hatching, they began to molt, too! It's in the air, I say! (You know I'll put down the personal smack-down on you if you say anything out of line, Rose!
lol, That's my buddy, Wynette! She don't let friendship get in the way of her job!
I let one of my broodies hatch out two eggs. Both roosters!!!
You want a couple of favorelle roosters??
One is black, and one is blue with beautiful colors coming in.
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OH, goodness, that is a GORGEOUS breed in males! Thanks, but no thanks! What a good friend you are, trying to pawn off your extras on me....

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