Modifying the OverEZ coop


Mar 31, 2024
Pittsburgh, PA
So we recently got the overEZ coop and it has been going pretty well so far. I have only had to go to the hospital once because of it so that is pretty nice.

But anyway, onto what I have done so far.

The windows-

I added some hardware cloth so the windows could be kept open without worry about predators.

I also made some easy and quick to put on window “covers”. I only plan to have them up during winter and if a bad storm is expected.

I wanted bedding as it makes cleaning so much easier but a barrier isn’t sent with one so I made one myself.

As you would expect, I just screwed this one into place.

However, I made the front one removed so I can clean out the substrate easily. It also makes it that if I accidentally break it while going into the coop, I can easily replace it.

Roost bar-
The roosting bars they came with were some really crappy 2x3s that were super splintery. I just so happened to bring up a massive piece of driftwood from the creek behind my house so I decided to cut it down and make it fit. I estimate it has around 6.5 feet of usable roosting space which is plenty for 6 chickens.

I do need to add more ventilation this weekend hopefully so I will be adding to this thread soon!

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