My beautiful new rooster ran away... HELP?


12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
How can I lure him out of the forest and back to the chicken yard??? He found a small gap by the base of a tree and pushed out the fencing.....

I can still see him in the forest, but obviously the direct approach didn't work. Hubby and I tried to corral him for an hour...
How long has he been out? Just this morning? He might come home to roost tonight. Maybe you can hold a hen, and call him...chick chick chick...this might work....if he is very protective over his ladies....hold your hen by the feet, upside down, this will make a comotion he might just come running...then be ready with a fish net!! Good luck...hope he comes home tonight!
Yep I would do the same thing with holding the hen upside down. I do that all the time when I am looking for my rooster. I agree with you Justusnak
I can't picture him just running off into the blue...I would think he'd want to stay around the others. If he stays close and you can keep an idea of the general vicinity he's in, you might get lucky if it gets dusk but not dark, if he does decide to go to roost out there and you can pinpoint where he's roosting, and you can get to where he's roosting then of course you can grab him after dark.
Is he healthy?

It may sound like a strange question, but....

I have a friend who also has chickens. He has 15 hens and they chased the rooster out of the hen house. Every time he returned, they chased him and my friend had to put him back in the hen house.

Recently, my friend had go out of town overnight. When he returned, he found the rooster dead. He had a necropsy done and found out the rooster was ill and the girls attacked him.

If he responds to treats, that may be a way to get your rooster back into the coop.

Good luck!
He only just arrived at our house this week, he doesn't really know it's "home" yet. He's down in the forest, I catch sight of him and can tell he is ok after being free all day.
He's crowing a good deal. Perhaps I can get a good idea of where he is just before sunset.... Maybe he'll return on his own, but so far he has no interest in letting anyone near him - at least he's staying on our 5 acres instead of raoming further?

I may just have to assume he likes the forest and let him be a free bird....
HE'S BACK!!!!!!

He came back looking for water! He's safely inside the pen! I am SO relieved because it's supposed to get to freezing again by Sunday evening....


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