My chicken is fluffing its feathers up in the nesting box and not moving


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 11, 2012
My one hen is fluffing up its feathers in the nesting box and not moving. I gave it some water and food so its still eating and drinking. It does have a running nose or anything either. But i did notice one other chicken is starting to molt. I dont know if they all are molting or if thats the usual molting behavior.
Does she act "aggressive?" Like growling/pecking when you try to get the eggs from under her? Is she is, you probably have a broody hen on your hands. She is going to try and incubate and hatch the eggs - which is wonderful if you have a rooster to fertilize them and want baby chicks.
She dowsnt peck when i collect the eggs but when you go near her she starts to growl. This is the second day and she never left her spot.
She is probably broody. If you pick her up and take her outside, she will most likely run back and get into that nest again, especially if there is a golf ball or egg in it.
When I take my broodies out, they stay in the "sitting on eggs" position and look around as if they have no idea where they are, then run back to the boxes.
Your hen is brooding, and she may sit that way for a month, or more. You can either wait it out, just make sure she gets food and water. I take mine off the nest myself a couple times a day, and they scratch around a little, or maybe get a quick drink, but then it's right back to the nest. Brooding is a common occurrence for some hens. Some breeds are more likely to brood than others.

You can try to break her brooding by removing her from the rest of the chickens and putting her in a cage with no nesting materials (preferably a wire bottom) for a few days and then let her go back in the general population. If she resumes normal activity, you have been successful, and if she runs right back to the nest, repeat the process until she is "broken" of the habit.

Good luck. There is lots of good information about brooding on this site and others.


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