My water dispenser will not dispense right

Treadwell acres

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 18, 2014
I hang the water in the coop but it only delivers very little water and sometimes none at all. Any ideas to why. Thank you
Just a guess cause I can't find the one I had like that but I think there should be a small hole on the bottom part of the waterer about a 1/4 inch up that allows air in so the water 'glugs' till the hole is submerged.
Take a look at the bottom ring of the upper part, might have a spot that looks like it should/could have been a hole. Pretty sure there needs to be a hole.
The small mason jar style waterer has a slot in the base that provides the air vent, how they work.

If there is no hole, I'd drill a small one or even just cut a slot in the bottom ring of the white part. Just make sure it's bellow where it would be in the red base so the water only fills the base and stops.
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I have not had that specific model but as Beer Can said, those work on the vacuum principle. There should be holes where the base screws or twists onto the reservoir part. When it is assembled properly the holes or slots should allow water to flow from the reservoir to the base. My guess is that the holes are blocked. Either the alignment is not correct when you put then together or the holes were not formed properly in the base or reservoir section. Or maybe there is some trash or something blocking the holes.

If you need to drill or cut an opening make very sure it is below the level the water will be in the red ring, otherwise it will not form a vacuum and all the water will pour out.

If it is not working properly you can always take it back and get another one.
I agree with RR, that if I had it, I'd take it back if it was fairly new. They don't hold a lot of water in the ring, even when working properly. About 3/4 - 1" if I'm remembering correctly. An other possibility: If it's hanging crookedly, with the opening on the down hill side, the water flow would be blocked off before the entire ring got filled.
Is it in the open position? I just got that same waterer a few weeks ago, and discovered a few hours in that it has an open, and close position. Closed still let's a LITTLE water out, but not too much (probably so you can slog it across the yard in the mud without spilling all of it.) And the open position let's out much more water.

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