Need Advice for Miniature Horses


13 Years
Mar 24, 2007
Good Evening, Anyone out there have miniature horses?

I have an opportunity sooner than I thought I would to acquire 2-3 miniature horses. I have had a horse in my past, but not my own land. I will be starting from scratch. I will need fencing and shelter. Any tips or suggestions for fencing. We have 2 1/2 acres. Was thinking of fencing and at least a three sided shed at first for shelter. Would love a barn, but need to wait on that for a year or so.

Thanks, Steph
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They have the tape fencing you can buy that works great the farm next to us used it. I have one of those $99. 10x20 carport covers for my horse to get under out of the rain. She has a stall to go into in the other pasture. But its a cheap fix in a pinch.
I don't have miniatures, but I have two shetland ponies, two donkeys and a baby donk, a paint/quarterhorse, three goats, and dozens of chickens on two acres and they all have plenty of room to wander around. And there's still grass growing all over back there. The animals trade off between the barn and the old grain silo, depending on where they want to sleep at any given time. They usually sleep with their heads sticking out of the openings, so it's kind of like a three-sided shelter.

Our fencing is hogwire fencing strung with three strands of hotwire and I don't have any escape problems from the equines ---- just the jerky goats. And if you've owned horses before, you probably know what you're doing.
~ Oaknim
Thanks for the tips everyone. I like the tape fence idea. I think it will look fine and not cost a lot. The carport idea is a good one too. Thanks!
My advise is if any are studs is to have them gelded. Also have you found an equine vet in your area yet? They will need shots once or twice a year (depending where you live). Another thing you need to find is a good farrier. Hooves need trimed every 4 to 6 weeks. You will need to find a good grass hay sorce for the winter and maybe for the summer if the field is not enough for them. I would build a small dry lot (area without grass) because minis can over eat and fat is just as dangerous as under wieght.. if not more. I have a pony I keep and he gets just one flake of hay in the morning and another at night. Any more and he starts to get overweight. You will also need to work out a deworming program that fits your area.

You could also divide your pasture into a couple pastures and rotate what one they are on.

This is a very good horse forum:

Good luck with your new babies

Edit: Electric tape is way better than electric wire. Horses do not see the wire and if they get tangled in the wire it can cut to the bone, while if they get tangled in the tape it tends not to.
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Varisha, Good tips.

I have an equestrian center right down the road. Will hopefully be taking cart lessons from them. They have a ferrier, vet, etc.

I will be having to have them gelded that is for sure. I know a couple are stallions at this point.

Thanks for the dry lot tip, had no idea that would be needed. What size would be good for two to three? I just thought over time that an area would be created naturally. Like where I plan to have water and food. Hopefully a sheltered area in the same area, so that I can keep an eye on them better. That is if they go in it.

I just wish that in the winter I had a barn for the hay. I have heard I will need pallets to have them off the ground and tarps to keep it dry. We have some friends that we just met and he sells hay, so that is covered.
I would say the dry lot would be a good idea but may prove not needed. It all depends on the quality of the grass and the individual mimi. I do not keep minis so I'm not an expert on them
Heck I keep horses and a pony and I would not claim to be an expert on them either
The size of the dry lot would depend on the number of minis.

I still suggest posting the question on the forum I listed. There are several people there that keep mimis and could give you better advise based on experiance. It is a forum much like this one, lots of good constructive help and trolls get the boot.

I'm glad that you have a place nearby to goto. I would suggest going there before you get the minis, and ask them questions on care as well. Maybe see if you can pay for some lessons on horse care and handling.

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