Need to ramble about a cat....


Crossing the Road
Nov 8, 2021
So I was out walking today. Down a street. All was right with the world, when I noticed a cat- I had to do a double take because she looked half dead. Laying stretched out, hip bones sticking up a mile.

I basically never touch or interact with cats who I do not know. Even if they're allowed out the house, or end up in my garden, they arent my animal so I dont consider it my right to touch them. Also some cats can be aggressive and I've learned that the hard way.

Well this time I was genuinely concerned for the cat's wellbeing, so I said hey to her and she came over all eager for attention, meowing. Now I could really see how thin she was.
I kid you not, I could see and feel almost every bone in her body.
Not just underweight, but emaciated.

No collar. So I started to wonder if she was a stray, I checked for fleas, couldnt see much. I wasnt sure how to feel about it, but always want to give people the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps she was a rescue, newly adopted, or maybe she has an illness that makes it almost impossible to keep weight on her?

I started to walk away, she followed me meowing and I told her to stay and go home-
Walked by a few houses and then her owner came out, called her back in hurriedly.

I felt bad, thinking "well maybe she thought I was trying to take her, or was just unhappy about her being pet"
I actually walked back to the house immediately to explain, apologise and maybe ask about the cat- But within seconds she had shut the door and was gone.

Now I'm worried. People around here just aren't like that, its generally understood that outdoor cats go in peoples yards, may even be fed food, or handled. It happens daily, be it kids, or old folks, its a nice neighbourhood.
But that felt abrupt and stressed. I can't decide now if she was trying to cover herself or felt protective of the cat. But I'm not sure I can simply forget that animal's condition.

I have been in an area of the country where stray cats and dogs live, and having met several, I can still say I haven't seen an animal so emaciated.

Also if she were newly adopted, or severely unwell, why was she left out in the street? Should I report this, or reach out to the owner? I can't decide.
I would reach out to the owner first. Maybe leave a note if she isn't willing to answer the door. Explain your observations and concerns. Offer to help, leave your number if your feel comfortable. I don't think there is much you can do if she scooped her up and took her in. If it happens again, take pictures of the cat and tags if it has some. Call your local police department for advice.
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I'd do a few more subtle inspections by discretely passing the house. If you're not happy then err on the side of caution - call your local vet / rescue center for advice. If the local rescue center adopted her out they'd inform you.
Parasites can cause extreme weight loss as well as failure to feed.
I've frequently had to explain to strangers my rescue dogs/cats were recovering so they did not assume I was abusing them.
The only other option is keep an eye out and possibly find a place to provide her food eg cat biscuits in your pocket while you walk by and give them to her if you see her or can place them outside her gate..

Edit: P.S. I wouldn't talk direct to owners who I do not know unless a harmless amiable conversation can be struck up first, then I'd query if the cat was sick...
I would just continue to be observant because you really do not know the situation. She might not have been "left out on the street" at all, but escaped. I have rescued cats, dogs, horses and ducks. It's not uncommon at all for an animal that has been through a bad situation to be scared in a new environment and try to escape. The cat very well may have been hungry and following you for food, but in emaciated cases you have to feed small meals throughout the day otherwise you can actually kill them. This can often result in slow progress with weight gain especially if you are dealing with other underlying issues such as a bad parasite infection. As for the owner not being very friendly, I know someone who has had animal services called on them multiple times for taking in rescues they are trying to rehabilitate. People just caught one glimpse of the animal and started immediately assuming the worst of them. They have gone from a friendly chatty willing to explain what the animal has gone through type of person to reaching the point where now anytime they see someone observing one of their animals or questioning them they tell them that they need to leave or they will be calling the cops and posted their property for trespassing.
I'd do a few more subtle inspections by discretely passing the house. If you're not happy then err on the side of caution - call your local vet / rescue center for advice. If the local rescue center adopted her out they'd inform you.
Parasites can cause extreme weight loss as well as failure to feed.
I've frequently had to explain to strangers my rescue dogs/cats were recovering so they did not assume I was abusing them.
The only other option is keep an eye out and possibly find a place to provide her food eg cat biscuits in your pocket while you walk by and give them to her if you see her or can place them outside her gate..

Edit: P.S. I wouldn't talk direct to owners who I do not know unless a harmless amiable conversation can be struck up first, then I'd query if the cat was sick...
I just wanted to say that this statement “If the local rescue center adopted her out they'd inform you.” Is not true.
A local shelter will not tell you if a cat or dog has been adopted out because they aren’t allowed to tell you any details. Unless you saw a cat or dog or any other animal at the shelter and called to find out if they have been adopted yet. They can tell you that. But they won’t tell you who or where the pet was adopted to.
So that wouldn’t work.
I don’t even know what I’d do in your situation. Maybe that cat was really old?
My husbands cat who has since passed was very thin in her old age and no matter what she was fed
She didn’t gain weight. The cat could be old?
I’m sorry you have to have that on your mind!
I just wanted to say that this statement “If the local rescue center adopted her out they'd inform you.” Is not true.
A local shelter will not tell you if a cat or dog has been adopted out because they aren’t allowed to tell you any details. Unless you saw a cat or dog or any other animal at the shelter and called to find out if they have been adopted yet. They can tell you that. But they won’t tell you who or where the pet was adopted to.
So that wouldn’t work.
I don’t even know what I’d do in your situation. Maybe that cat was really old?
My husbands cat who has since passed was very thin in her old age and no matter what she was fed
She didn’t gain weight. The cat could be old?
I’m sorry you have to have that on your mind!
I just realised I never updated this thread, so I very gently spoke with the owner who was initially very hostile, and had her neighbour leave abusive voicemails on my phone- but she calmed down once she realised I was merely concerned for the animal and apologised. Apparently the sweety is very elderly so you're right. I'm glad I inquired because that would've weighed heavily on my mind otherwise, I've seen animals in awful condition, including dogs walking around with bloody wounds (not in my town, but still).
I will say that her story wasn't adding up, but I decided to take her word for it.

Honestly I don't get people sometimes, I've had people knock our door because they heard the dog howling and wanted to check she wasn't being abused (she wanted to get in to see a dog visiting). I'd never take offence, if they don't make assumptions. I'd be glad that they care about animals!
I just wanted to say that this statement “If the local rescue center adopted her out they'd inform you.” Is not true.
A local shelter will not tell you if a cat or dog has been adopted out because they aren’t allowed to tell you any details. Unless you saw a cat or dog or any other animal at the shelter and called to find out if they have been adopted yet. They can tell you that. But they won’t tell you who or where the pet was adopted to.
So that wouldn’t work.
I don’t even know what I’d do in your situation. Maybe that cat was really old?
My husbands cat who has since passed was very thin in her old age and no matter what she was fed
She didn’t gain weight. The cat could be old?
I’m sorry you have to have that on your mind!
The rescue shelters where I lived were allowed to say an animal had been adopted. Obviously not the details.
I see what you’re saying. Any rescues around where I live would never give information like that.
They won’t say anything unless you were at the shelter and considered an animal called back the next day and it was adopted. They would only say that animal is no longer available.
Never give details.

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