New duck parents


Nov 21, 2022
Hi me n my husband are new to this group,we have 2, 21 week old kakhi campbell female pet ducks that we hatched ourselves . I always come here looking for ideas n just wondering what other people's experience with their ducks are .my 7 year old son n husband built a homemade incubator and then orderd 2 duck eggs and 26 later we now have quakaleaha and pencil ,we absolutely adore the. And never imagined in our life we'd be duck parents ,they are such a joy and are so friendly and cuddly and outgoing, they each have their own unique personalities 💖 so since we are new to this we are just looking for advice and knowledge on being duck parents !!! I've done alot of research n reading on ducks. I have a few questions I'd like to ask ,1st question is my duck are they are not being raised for meat or eggs (however they just started laying last week )and I was reading that if yiu feed them layer pellets they will lay alot and can cause them health issues down the road, ibwant them to hav we a healthy n long life and I was reading if you drop the protein level to 13%-14% and provide pulverized oyster shells on the side in a bowl that should be enough to keep them healthy as lay but not cause them to over lay which can cause health issues .I'm not sure how True this is but I read this on Pintrest in an article from tryant farms . My ducks are in the house at night to be safe but im lookinfor ideas on how to make a low cost daytime area / coop for them that's safe from preditors, they were born in June so my son and I would spend the days outside with them ,we haven't left them alone in the yard yet ,there's lots of stray cats in my area ,but I want to give them more time outside so I'm looking for ideas , I already have something I can build of off ,it was a chicken coop .also I'm just switched them to Purina duck pellets n the oyster shells on the side n was giving them manna pro flock crumbles, so with pellets should I lightly grind them up in the blender or leave them as pellets ??? Thank u in advance and I'm looking forward to being in this group
Welcome to BYC @Ericzahel! Thanks for joining us.

1. Layer feed is perfectly safe to feed to ducks. It only poses a threat to males and hens that are too old to lay an more. Layer feed has extra calcium, which is needed for the females to lay eggs and make the shells stronger. It does not necessarily make them lay more. If you for sure have two females, you can give them layer feed safely. You can also feed All Flock Raiser with added oysters on the side (strongly advised for flocks with males or multiple species). I've always fed the pellets whole, but there are brands that make crumbles.

2. Pictures of your setup will give us a better idea on what you already have and what you can do to predator proof. A covered run, hard wire cloth, and latches on all doors, are a good start. When adding the run, make sure you are getting enough squared footage for both ducks (and a little extra too).

I'm very surprised you've lasted 21 weeks with indoor ducks! I usually put my ducklings outside at -4 weeks old. I would try and get them outside permanently soon.

If you have any more questions, you can ask in the Ducks section.

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