Newly hatched 12 hours old baby with swelling belly and fast breathing

New duck mommy 2021

Free Ranging
Oct 19, 2021
Medicine Hat , alberta , Canada
Baby bruised the egg 3 days ago. I made a safety hole and left her till just over 60 hours. I could candle and see the veins were gone so
I hatched her
She had a brighter green poo within first half hour and her breathing was fast ( still is ) she is also open mouth breathing. Her tummy is now swelling to be very round at 10 ish hours after birth is when I first noticed
We have been ti the vet already and started antibiotics
She thinks possible septic from the yolk
She was absorbed so I can’t say how that yolk looked
Anyone have any ideas on what else I can do
I’m trying to save her if I can
She has some spunk to her but when I leave her alone for an hour while I get stuff done both times she is almost gone on me
Then I hold her and she picks up again
Once was in the bator so she was pretty warm other time was in a little box in front of a heater but she did feel cool when I checked her
I now have her on my bed with a heat plate and she is warming up and chirping again
Also anyone have a septic baby that survived
Vet did check her lungs and said they sounded good as my first thought was aspiration from her egg
I haven’t provided feed and only a few drops of water on her beak
The vet did to the first dose of meds at 8 pm tonight


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Awww, poor thing. She's getting the best of care though.

Have you thought of a 'baby' sling for her, like the ones for carrying around a baby? But sized for a duckling. She seems to respond better to being close to you so this might be an option. And I know this sounds silly, but maybe inside your bra? Baby would get your body warmth, and hear your heartbeat.
Awww, poor thing. She's getting the best of care though.

Have you thought of a 'baby' sling for her, like the ones for carrying around a baby? But sized for a duckling. She seems to respond better to being close to you so this might be an option. And I know this sounds silly, but maybe inside your bra? Baby would get your body warmth, and hear your heartbeat.
Last night I set up a little square area on my bed with a stuffy and the heat plate so I could respond to her when she cried
When I can she is either on my chest or in my hands
I have just given her the second dose of meds
A spray of that honey / silver on her belly button area
She can hold her head up way more now then last night and she scoots herself around the little area pretty good
I think the belly swelling is down from last night
Still swollen but not as bad
Breathing is still pretty fast
I’m not even suppose to be keeping these babies
They were going to my brothers
I promised her if she pulled through her forever home would be here

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