Noisy duck!


In the Brooder
Aug 31, 2022
We have 5 ducks. Our oldest girls are Khaki Campbell and have stopped laying as they are over 6 years old. The other 3 lay most days. For the past 6 months, one of our Khakis makes the most awful quacking till she is hourse. She can quack for 4 or 5 hours, morning, noon and even at night. We have tried everything to stop her - shooing her away, feeding her her favourite foods squirting her with water, nothing will stop her! We are almost at breaking point. As they are part of the family, we don't want to get rid of her and I'm not sure anyone else (however remote) would put up with this noise. We have tried everywhere for help but not found a solution yet. You are our last hope. PLEASE any suggestions before we all go mad!!
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Can you take a clear video of her noise making and upload it to Youtube?
I'm sorry, this had me laughing because I went through the same thing! Luna quacked herself hoarse sounding almost more drake than duck. She's calmed down now, and is starting to get her voice back.

Wish I could help more than that. Maybe use some DUCK tape on her bill? :D (yes, I was kidding)

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