Number one best hatchery.


There is no H or F in Orpington!
14 Years
Jul 13, 2008
Braymer Missouri
I have seen other people ask this question but I wanted more answers. Which hatchery has the best service. and the best chicks. Also I would like to hear your stories about a hatchery that I do not want to go to.
I would hate to order from a hatchery and find out to late that they are not a really good place.
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I got my meaties from Welp hatchery and everything was wonderful. I ordered 30 and they sent 32 and all were healthy and happy. They're 4 weeks old now and are monsters!
I have ordered from McMurray & Ideal. Ideal messed up my first order--was supposed to be standards & I received bantams. The second order, I only had one surviving bird of so-so quality. McMurrary--all of my brahmas arrived alive, although I did get 17 roos out of 25 birds and only three birds were decent quality...the rest were pet birds...From what I've heard, Stromberg & Welp have excellent birds and so does Cackle.

I'm planning on a Stromberg order this spring if I can find someone to split it with me? They have show-bird breeder chicks available (they are pricey, but hopefully worth it).
we got all of our 2008 birds from McMurray, they all arrived alive, and perky, adn even tho we ordered one of each of 14 different breeds, they got the whole order right! WOW! One baby later developed cross bill, and had to be euthanized, but they even offered to reimburse for that 4 weeks later. They did right by us, and I recommend them highly.!

Good Luck.
i have gotten HUNDREDS,,, many,,, maybe over a thousand,, from ideal this year,, have had 4 deaths,, and maybe a handful that had some sort of problem,, i think their customer service is A-1 ,, with the #'s from my experience,, less then 20 problems/deaths outta that many are pretty good.
all that said,, i just buy to resell,, and not really looking for GREAT quality birds,, as in for show, or like that. for the basic flock of a few egg layers,,, i think their in the top 3 ,, if not the very top

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