Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

Do you wear a mask or respirator when cleaning your coop?

  • Yes - Everytime I'm in the coop!

    Votes: 39 5.6%
  • Yes - Only when doing a deep clean

    Votes: 157 22.5%
  • Yes - Whenever I scoop or scrape off the poop board

    Votes: 41 5.9%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 80 11.5%
  • I used to, but I don't anymore

    Votes: 13 1.9%
  • No - Never

    Votes: 212 30.4%
  • No - Is that something I'm supposed to do????

    Votes: 130 18.7%
  • Other - Please elaborate

    Votes: 25 3.6%

  • Total voters
View attachment 3746024

We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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Hi Nifty
Unfortunately, I no longer own chickens. I had to move away on short notice so they are now under the care of my ex. But yes, just as a precautionary measure, I'd wear an N-95 (?) (been awhile) while doing a deep clean.I just figured I don't need poop dust in my lungs, even though I would spend time in the run with them everyday, just petting my chickids..
View attachment 3746024

We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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I have calcium deposits in my lungs — two are the size of ping pong balls. I was told by several doctors that they came from bird or bat droppings. Prior to diagnosis, I had minimal exposure to bird or bat droppings. I have been tested for histoplasmosis and it is inconclusive. I honestly do not want to make my deposits worse, so I wear a mask whenever cleaning or stirring up dust.

I also do not allow my nine year or my husband around when I am cleaning. If they were, I’d ask them to wear a mask. It’s just not worth the health risk, imo.
I have sometimes, mostly if I'm doing a big clean after not having time to do it, or more often in the Winter when my hens are staying in their basement set up. Typically my small flock (4 adult hens and 4 young chicks) isn't too messy.
I don’t wear a mask when cleaning the coop. Never have. Never needed to. The masks are just a placebo anyways. They don’t really filter anything. They CAN filter dust particles, but let’s face it: masks are uncomfortable and breathing in the dust from the coop won’t kill you.
So this was my first winter with my DIY coop and new chickens - used all sand as a base in coop.

My coop has a 'poop board' under their night roosting perches. Then I just use a hoe to drag all poop into a bucket every week or two.
Sprinkle a thin layer of Sweet PDZ on the 'poop board' after each time I hoe off all the poop. And may spread a little more around on the sand base of the coop.

Coop has stayed relatively smell free all fall/winter/spring

Would definitely recommend sand in coop

Also have a sand base throughout my chicken run area.
View attachment 3746024

We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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We run huge paddocks and hence do not have to clean them...Just one of the "pluses" raising ostrich...
Nope, I never get sick and do not believe in "germ theory".

My free range hens have a small coop that they are only in when it is dark, and it is built directly on my compost pile that also takes hum-anure, so there is nothing to "clean" except every few weeks when I dig out some of the composted matter for the garden, and bury another bucket of shit and sawdust.
This is my first flock of 15 girls. They just turned 1 year old last week. I have been ill with respiratory issues for at least 6 months. I did not take precautions in the beginning and learned along the way that their coop was poorly ventilated. I corrected the ventilation in December before the cold winter hit but my breathing has stayed poor.
My doctor ran an array of blood tests to that drew no conclusions.
I still need to get a chest x-ray ran but as of this moment, I can only hold my breath for a maximum of 20 seconds, am easily winded from the lightest activities and am constantly needing to clear my airways of clear mucus (sorry to be graphic).
I do not know if it was directly related to my girls but nevertheless, I would advise anyone that asks to wear a mask when cleaning their coops.
I definitely do when I’m doing a deep clean and especially in the dry months when the dust is the worst.

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