Older Male Guinea Attacking Younger Guineas


May 17, 2018
Hi, I own a few chickens and originally, one male guinea . I enjoyed my first guinea so I decided to get two more. I got them as chicks, and the old guinea has got along with them just fine until now. I found them a couple days ago with there backs bloodied up and one of them's leg hurt. I thought it was just the older chickens picking on them but I soon realized it was actually the older male guinea. I then proceded to seperate them with some chicken wire until the guineas healed and hopefully, the older guinea decided to accept them. He seemed pretty uninterested in them, so today I let them out, only for the older guinea to attack them again. Is there any way I could get them used to each other?
How old are the chicks? I had a problem similar to that.
I just waited until my keets where almost all grown and then let them it for a little bit during the day for awhile until they where used to each other.
Hope this helps keeps us updated
If he is just stubborn and continues to attack them I’m not sure what else to try, hopefully some one else has some advice to give you.
to all gamebirds it usually happens. guineafowls are also aggressive when it comes t pecking order. separate the two from each with coops that one can see each other but not touch. young guinea keets cannot communicate with the happy,flock or moving calls with other guineas but as they grow older they do. its a call-like ooh-yhoooo, tic tic ooh-iyhoo wich keep the flock together with love a s sharings. keep them separate til the keets are a little full grown. or you might be lucky if one of the keets is a female. the male will be attracted and start to bond with them nicely.
We are down to one guinea from 6. He is definitely lonely but also aggressive. He was the boss even with all alive. Just wondering if we should get more for him (and the tick problem) - if he will settle down. He literally follows my husband constantly pecking at him. He even flies onto his quad. He is a nut! Would anyone recommend getting more?

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