One hatched, no progress on others for over 24 hours


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2018
Hello. Let me start out by saying thank you. I received two little giant incubators and a batch of eggs as a project for school. I have used these forums and website to learn a ton about the incubating process. That being said, I’m stumped. The program that gave me the eggs gave me about 30 eggs from different types of chickens in each incubator. In the one I was personally taking care of, 17 of those showed growth and movement through candeling. I am on day 24 now and I’ve only had one chick hatch. The chick pipped on day 22 and 8 hours later kicked its way out of the shell and ran around like a maniac inside the incubator. It is super strong and in our brooder box with a teddy bear happily eating and drinking. I had to take it out before it was 100% dry because it pecked another shell open.

No to my question, I’ve seen 2 other eggs wiggle in the same incubator, I heard peeping an hour ago. What the heck is going on? The humidity is right, the temp has remained between 99.5-100.5 the whole time. The eggs have been active when they were candled before lock down. Could the one chick have damaged the other eggs when it was tearing its way through the incubator? My other question, I have no clue how old the eggs were before they went in the incubator. Could different ages of the eggs affect their hatching time?
It is common for the first out to play soccer with the remaining eggs. I don't think that is the problem.
What kind of thermometer are you using?
Was it calibrated?
Is it a forced air or still air incubator?
If still air, where is the thermometer placed?

Thermometers are notoriously inaccurate. They can be off by 2 degrees or possibly even more.
The thermometer was part of the kit I got. I have no clue if it was calibrated. It is forced air and I had the thermometer on top of the eggs while they were on the auto turner and moved it to the side touching the crate when I took the rotator out. So if my temp was off the one that hatched was just really strong and survived it? I was thinking of giving them a few more days and maybe doing a float test Wednesday if they don’t smell or anything. Does that sound like a good plan? I guess I want to make sure I know when to throw in the towel.
You could wait another day or two but if one hatched on day 22 (a day late) and no others and you are on day 24, I'd say they are finished. If you are of a mind you could start opening eggs at the big end gingerly to see if there is any life.
One of my worst thermometers was from an incubator company.
I've used as many as 6 thermometers before and it turned out that they were all wrong.
The only two I now trust unless calibrated are the Brinsea Spot Check and the Thermoworks RT301.
The thermometer was part of the kit I got. I have no clue if it was calibrated. It is forced air and I had the thermometer on top of the eggs while they were on the auto turner and moved it to the side touching the crate when I took the rotator out. So if my temp was off the one that hatched was just really strong and survived it? I was thinking of giving them a few more days and maybe doing a float test Wednesday if they don’t smell or anything. Does that sound like a good plan? I guess I want to make sure I know when to throw in the towel.
Your temps may have been low, delaying development. I'd wait a couple-few more days, especially if you saw rocking and heard peeping.

I wouldn't bother with the float test, it's not that accurate and could cause more harm than good.

You could open eggs after you call it quits to see, put egg in plastic sandwich bag and slip something pointy in almost closed bag to chip open shell. Do it outside in case you get stinker.

It's good to calibrate/test your thermometers and hygrometers before starting an incubation. Here's how I do mine:
So another one pipped and yellow liquid came out. It pipped near the middle of the egg and at the bottom of how it was positioned. I think the little guy aspirated before I could do anything. This has been the most nerve racking experience.
The yellow liquid sounds like a batch I had last year mistakenly running my humidity too high through the whole incubation process.Many experts here who can guide you, but that was the only variable I changed to this year and have gotten as high as 70% hatching on shipped eggs. Also had 2 dozen with 0%, they were scrambled during shipping though.
Out of 12 eggs only one has hatch so fat it’s been over 24 hours and baby chick hatched on day 22 which it was yesterday. Not sure if any other eggs will hatch..

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