"Partridge" color


11 Years
Oct 14, 2008
North Front Range Colorado
I've been looking on line and consulting chicken books, but can't find a very clear (to me, at least) description of what the term "partridge" means in terms of color pattern. I've seen pictures of what look like a bay color with black lacing, but others that look quite different, still called "partridge" whatever - rocks, wyandottes, etc. Can anyone clarify? Pictures would be awesome. It's too late, anyway, I already ordered some "partridge" rocks... but curious and interested. Thanks!
there are all sorts of different colors, including partridge.

Hey All,

Anyone got partridge rocks?

If so, would you please post some larger photos and close ups of your hens for me? I picked a new pullet up and she may be a partidge rock. I'd need to see some leg and plumage photos.
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Thank you tikki 244, I had looked on the feathersite but hadn't seen that photo in the "rock" group. Still not sure what the technical definition is but who cares anyway? Very lovely. Speaking of lovely, your Vizsla! I recently adopted one from a rescue, such a great little girl, wondering how she will do with chickens. Any advice? I have a pyranees mix that won't let a raptor anywhere near our property and I think will be very protective of the chickens, but my little Vizsla... not so sure!
That bird in the pic is a SQ bird and is a bantam. The ones from a hatchery will be PQ and likely be LF.

Partridge is not the "original" color.

Partridge standard:

Color of male
HEAD: Surface of feather, brilliant medium shade of rich red.
NECK: Hackle - surface of feather, lustrous greenish black with narrow edging around entire surface of rich brilliant red; shaft. black: to match saddle. Front of neck - black.
BACK: Surface of feather, lustrous greenish black with narrow edging around entire surface of a medium shade of rich brilliant red. A slight shafting of rich red is permissible. The surface of upper back should appear to be rich glossy red, when viewed from a distance too great to distinguish the individual feathers.
SADDLE: surface of feather, lustrous green black with narrow edging around entire surface of rich brilliant red; shaft black; to match hackle in color.
TAIL: Main Tail – black, shafts black. Sickles & Lesser Sickles – lustrous greenish black. Coverts – lustrous greenish black, with narrow edging around entire surface of rich brilliant red.
WINGS: Shoulders & Fronts – black. Bows – medium shade of rich brilliant red. Coverts – lustrous greenish black, forming a well defined bar when wing is folded. Primaries – black, lower edges of lower feathers, reddish bay, shafts black. Secondaries – black, exposed portion of outer web forming wing bay, reddish bay; shafts, black.
BREAST: Lustrous black with greenish sheen.
BODY & STERN: Body – black. Stern – fluff, black slightly tinged with red.
UNDERCOLOR: slate in all sections.

Color of female
PLUMAGE: penciling in the partridge female should be of uniform width and conform to the shape of the feather. Each feather of the back, breast, body, wing bows and thighs should have three pencilings; the center black, then alternately reddish bay and black, ending with reddish bay edging around the entire surface. More attention should be given to the brightness and sharpness of the reddish bay ground color and the almost jet black penciling than whether the bird appears lighter or darker than an individual preference. The ideal is one uniform color over the entire body of the bird.
HEAD: deep reddish bay.
NECK: Hackle – surface of feather, center portion black; slightly penciled with deep reddish bay. With narrow edging around the entire surface of deep reddish bay. Front of neck – same as breast.
BACK: Deep reddish bay with distinct pencilings of black.
TAIL: Main Tail – black, except two top feathers, which are deep reddish bay on the upper web, penciled with black, shafts black. Coverts – deep reddish bay, with distinct pencilings of black.
WINGS: Shoulders, Fronts, Bows and Coverts - deep reddish bay, with distince pencilings of black. Primaries – black with edging of deep reddish bay on outer webs, shafts black. Secondaries – inner webs black; outer webs deep reddish bay, with distinct pencilings of black extending around outer edge of feather, shafts black.
BREAST: Deep reddish bay with distinct pencilings of black.
BODY & STERN: Body - deep reddish bay penciled with black. Stern – fluff, deep reddish bay.
LOWER THIGHS: Deep reddish bay, penciled with black.
UNDERCOLOR: Slate in all directions.

Positive white in main tail feathers, sickles of secondaries – Shanks other than yellow or dusky yellow.

Purple sheen in males – Unevenness of ground color in females – Dullness, mealiness and smokiness in ground color of females – White in undercolor – Red on partridge males is not to be so dark as to give the impression that the bird is black – No male is to be awarded a first premium if ten percent or more of his breast feathers are other than black.​

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