Pekin Duck...Seeking Guidance after Weeks with a Leg Injury


In the Brooder
May 23, 2023
Hello from Michigan!

This is my first post! My wife and two daughters incubate and raise Chickens, ducks and Guinea hens. Qual eggs are incubating as well. We also have 4 dogs, 3 cats and a 55 gallon guppy tank. Most of our flock have been hatched but we have a few TSC impulse-buys mixed in. I am fairly new to this and I am passionate about proper flock management. Nice to meet you all!

I am seeking guidance on a duck leg issue, I have read so many posts... but I thought I would start a new one. We have three ducks that are a few months old and several ducklings in our brooder. We bought two pekin ducklings from TSC a few months ago and two of another breed ( both are healthy). One pekin died from what appeared to be a niacin deficiency or some other issue (not sure they were eating the right food there, but had what appeared to be a seizure) and the other has been problematic with leg issues (I read that Pekins are prone to leg problems). He suffered a left leg injury from a child dropping him (not sure if he is a she or a he, but we go with he...and his name is Duck Duck). Several weeks ago he injured his right leg and it has been a nightmare ever since. We considered euthanizing, but I have been determined to figure out what is going on as he seems healthy otherwise.

He has had a swollen leg and hock for weeks. We did not know if it was infected or swollen, but he did not decline health-wise and there was no injury. I finally took him to the vet yesterday, but they said that it just seems swollen, not infected. I refused an x-ray or a lab to check the fluid (I thought it was a slipped tendon). They gave me an aspirin derivative and said to rest him and see how he does. My major concern is the persistent swelling around the hock and he has curled toes and walks on his ankle/wrist, upside down.

Pics attached.
Video of him walking/quaking:

I keep him well fed with a proper diet and rested, caged only at night. We have tried Oregano in case it was an infection. He eats well, drinks well, swims (seems to use his right leg more to swim now), but his walking is hard to watch and he always quacks when he limps. I am going to start daily epsom soaks and keep giving him aspirin. I have only soaked him one time.

My major question? Has anyone brought a duck back with this issue? I don't want to euthanize because he has life in him. Would a splint help to fix his curled toes? Maybe one of those braces/splints they sell on Amazon with the hole for the talon (attached a pic of it)? Or would this cause more grief for him and us? Or is his leg now deformed and that would hurt him? I know these splints are used with chicks and ducklings, but a larger duck? The vet, not that I don't trust her, was not wild about the idea and said that it would likely not walk normally again due to the time he has walked on it upside down and the "deformity". She was also concerned that the curled toe would eventually cause abrasions and infection on the top of his foot and possible infection.

There are no signs of wounds, discharge, pad of the foot looks good, no bumble foot, etc.

Thanks you for your input!



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Hello from Michigan!

This is my first post! My wife and two daughters incubate and raise Chickens, ducks and Guinea hens. Qual eggs are incubating as well. We also have 4 dogs, 3 cats and a 55 gallon guppy tank. Most of our flock have been hatched but we have a few TSC impulse-buys mixed in. I am fairly new to this and I am passionate about proper flock management. Nice to meet you all!

I am seeking guidance on a duck leg issue, I have read so many posts... but I thought I would start a new one. We have three ducks that are a few months old and several ducklings in our brooder. We bought two pekin ducklings from TSC a few months ago and two of another breed ( both are healthy). One pekin died from what appeared to be a niacin deficiency or some other issue (not sure they were eating the right food there, but had what appeared to be a seizure) and the other has been problematic with leg issues (I read that Pekins are prone to leg problems). He suffered a left leg injury from a child dropping him (not sure if he is a she or a he, but we go with he...and his name is Duck Duck). Several weeks ago he injured his right leg and it has been a nightmare ever since. We considered euthanizing, but I have been determined to figure out what is going on as he seems healthy otherwise.

He has had a swollen leg and hock for weeks. We did not know if it was infected or swollen, but he did not decline health-wise and there was no injury. I finally took him to the vet yesterday, but they said that it just seems swollen, not infected. I refused an x-ray or a lab to check the fluid (I thought it was a slipped tendon). They gave me an aspirin derivative and said to rest him and see how he does. My major concern is the persistent swelling around the hock and he has curled toes and walks on his ankle/wrist, upside down.

Pics attached.
Video of him walking/quaking:

I keep him well fed with a proper diet and rested, caged only at night. We have tried Oregano in case it was an infection. He eats well, drinks well, swims (seems to use his right leg more to swim now), but his walking is hard to watch and he always quacks when he limps. I am going to start daily epsom soaks and keep giving him aspirin. I have only soaked him one time.

My major question? Has anyone brought a duck back with this issue? I don't want to euthanize because he has life in him. Would a splint help to fix his curled toes? Maybe one of those braces/splints they sell on Amazon with the hole for the talon (attached a pic of it)? Or would this cause more grief for him and us? Or is his leg now deformed and that would hurt him? I know these splints are used with chicks and ducklings, but a larger duck? The vet, not that I don't trust her, was not wild about the idea and said that it would likely not walk normally again due to the time he has walked on it upside down and the "deformity". She was also concerned that the curled toe would eventually cause abrasions and infection on the top of his foot and possible infection.

There are no signs of wounds, discharge, pad of the foot looks good, no bumble foot, etc.

Thanks you for your input!

Hmm this is an interesting injury. Do you know how she injured her leg? Like did she get it stuck, fall etc (Duck Duck looks like a girl to me, no tail curl and a loud quack.) What is her diet exactly? She is clearly in quite a bit of pain. Did you go to an avian specialist? Clearly there is something up with that foot more than swelling. @Aunt Angus @Miss Lydia
OP said the duckling was dropped @picklestheduck

First off make a boot for the duckling so the foot is laid out flat like the other one in a
normal position. Take a plastic container like a cool whip container cut it to fit the bottom of the foot wrap in vet wrap to protect against sharp edges then lay the foot flat out in a normal position then take vet wrap and wrap the foot onto the boot going up around the ankle so the boot doesn't come off. make it snug but be careful not to cut off circulation.

do not let her walk like that it has to be painful keep him on soft bedding and let her have hydrotherapy in warm water to keep the muscle from getting weak. Also do Warm Epsom salt soaks a few times a day. {don't let her drink this it has a laxative effect.] it may help with swelling and inflammation. There is def some type of inflammation or possibly a severe sprain or break? I don't know this for sure because I am not a vet but rest, hydrotherapy and something like Meloxicam might help along with the boot to teach her to walk normally again. As long as the duck is allowed to walk like it is and not being kept where it can rest that leg it may just keep getting worse where she won't be able to walk at all.

Also, get some Liquid B complex we use it to treat niacin deficiencies but it is also a good way to support any injury of the legs. TSC carries one called Durvet iiquid B complex. 1ml over a tasty treat daily. lt will say injectable but we give it to our birds orally.

And please keep us updated.
Hmm this is an interesting injury. Do you know how she injured her leg? Like did she get it stuck, fall etc (Duck Duck looks like a girl to me, no tail curl and a loud quack.) What is her diet exactly? She is clearly in quite a bit of pain. Did you go to an avian specialist? Clearly there is something up with that foot more than swelling. @Aunt Angus @Miss Lydia
Thank you for your response. I suspect that she injured it getting out of the mini pool I set up. I built up around it so they get get in and out without injury but she used the side that did not have a ramp of course. No, the vet was not an avian specialist.
OP said the duckling was dropped @picklestheduck

First off make a boot for the duckling so the foot is laid out flat like the other one in a
normal position. Take a plastic container like a cool whip container cut it to fit the bottom of the foot wrap in vet wrap to protect against sharp edges then lay the foot flat out in a normal position then take vet wrap and wrap the foot onto the boot going up around the ankle so the boot doesn't come off. make it snug but be careful not to cut off circulation.

do not let her walk like that it has to be painful keep him on soft bedding and let her have hydrotherapy in warm water to keep the muscle from getting weak. Also do Warm Epsom salt soaks a few times a day. {don't let her drink this it has a laxative effect.] it may help with swelling and inflammation. There is def some type of inflammation or possibly a severe sprain or break? I don't know this for sure because I am not a vet but rest, hydrotherapy and something like Meloxicam might help along with the boot to teach her to walk normally again. As long as the duck is allowed to walk like it is and not being kept where it can rest that leg it may just keep getting worse where she won't be able to walk at all.

Also, get some Liquid B complex we use it to treat niacin deficiencies but it is also a good way to support any injury of the legs. TSC carries one called Durvet iiquid B complex. 1ml over a tasty treat daily. lt will say injectable but we give it to our birds orally.

And please keep us updated.
Thank you for the advice! I will make a boot. That will be easy to make and less expensive than the one I found on amazon. Do you wrap the entire foot with the ankle or just enough to secure and let its foot breathe? She is eating duck pellets, so I assumed that was enough in terms of niacin, but I can look for Durvet. They prescribed Meloxicam every 24 hours, I have to inject it in her mouth with a liquid syringe. Very much appreciated.
Could be a niacin def so try the liquid BComplex ASAP. Pekins are notorious for Niacin deficiencies and the best way to treat is with liquid BComplex at least if you start her on it and you see no change in a few weeks that can be ruled out. Sorry I misread . Is this from and injury or do you know? Here is info
Thanks Lydia, I feel it was an injury, but it's possible she had a lack of niacin at this time as they had free rein to duck pellets or chick starter. I will run out and grab some durvet, can I use a syringe to squirt it in her mouth?
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I am keeping her in her "sleeping quarters" now, which she was not pleased with lol. I assumed she would immobilize on her own, but I am thinking she has not allowed it to heal properly trying to limp around. Will pick up some B today. I squirted her meds on her food and to administer the aspirin, that worked much better than trying to squirt it in her mouth. Gave her a good epson soak last night. Will do so again today and give her swim therapy and make a splint - that should be interesting. Wanted to summarize my actions...will post updates. Thank you!

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