Please! SMZ TMP Dosage and side effects questions


Free Ranging
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California
My flock has confirmed coccidia and a gram positive bacteria the vet thinks is giardia, she wants to charge me $99 to treat the two birds I brought in but not the rest of the flock without her examining them, I can find the meds she’s prescribing for fractions of what she’s charging at CVS and Costco but she won’t call in the prescriptions, I ordered her to send my records to my old vet and she just informed me that she has up to 5 days to do so....😡

Anyway I can order SMZ TMP online “for $14” to tackle both issues but I’m concerned about the side effects “liver problems.”

Anyone who’s treated their birds with this drug, how safe was it? Did you see health issues after giving it to your birds?

Was the drug more effective than other drugs, I’m also considering toltrazuril for the coccidia and Metronidazole for the “giardia” if I don’t get the SMZ TMP

Also what is the dosage for SMZ TMP?
I haven't used this for treating geese, myself, but PoultryDVM says the dosage is 400 mg/kg feed (for geese).

Hope your geese are feeling better soon. I know it's been a lengthy saga. 🙁
I haven't used this for treating geese, myself, but PoultryDVM says the dosage is 400 mg/kg feed (for geese).

Hope your geese are feeling better soon. I know it's been a lengthy saga. 🙁
O ended up ordering Metronidazole and Toltrazuril yesterday, the SMZTMP is sold out everywhere I looked, so I’ll have to get it by prescription from Dr. Smith, and that will be four days from now at the soonest. The Metro and Toltrazuril have already shipped.
Enrofloxacin AKA Baytril is for gram-positive bacteria. You can buy it here without a prescription:

I always keep a bottle available! One bottle is enough to dose a 7 lb bird for over a month (to give an idea of how much is in a bottle). The 2.5% is syringed into the mouth. I prefer the method to ensure proper dosage. You can also buy it in a 10% solution to be mixed in water. Instructions are on the bottle for dosage per body weight, although the website states it is safe to increase the dosage for severe infections.
Enrofloxacin AKA Baytril is for gram-positive bacteria. You can buy it here without a prescription:

I always keep a bottle available! One bottle is enough to dose a 7 lb bird for over a month (to give an idea of how much is in a bottle). The 2.5% is syringed into the mouth. I prefer the method to ensure proper dosage. You can also buy it in a 10% solution to be mixed in water. Instructions are on the bottle for dosage per body weight, although the website states it is safe to increase the dosage for severe infections.
Thank you! I’ve been looking for baytril for awhile and could never find it!

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