poisioning foxes


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 18, 2011
SE Nebraska
Anyone had any luck poisioning foxes? H ave a nightly visitor that I had wrote about a few days ago asking about the night guard lights. Anyhow I am thinking about trying to poisioning it with a dead bird injected full of antifreeze. I have no stray or domestic animals that run loose at night so I don't believe that there would be a problem with anything getting into it that should not. Last night I lost a nest full of eggs (but my goose is still here) that was almost ready to hatch. While I am not out too much she is upset and I don't like having that fox here looking every night for supper.
I wouldn't also check your local laws too-

It it trap smart?

could you trap it and then 'take care of it'?

Some antifreezes are non-toxic these days or have stuff in them that taste bad so pets won't drink them... it may not work anyway-

If you are going to poison an animal; use an animal poison...

I wouldn't also check your local laws too-

It it trap smart?

could you trap it and then 'take care of it'?

Some antifreezes are non-toxic these days or have stuff in them that taste bad so pets won't drink them... it may not work anyway-

If you are going to poison an animal; use an animal poison...

The problem with this is most states do not allow for the poisoning of wildlife this is normally only done by USDA trappers . More then a few farmers here use acetaminophen and wet cat food they grind up the Tylenol before they mix it in but the trick to this is getting your target to eat it before anything else does traps work better for me

Yeah, that's why i mentioned to check local laws.

Usually giving a drug/substance with the intent to kill would still be poisoning if they got caught, good luck
we have had foot traps out for a few days where I suspect the den is located. Nothing. I know that this fox is very comfortable around my farm as I have seen it on my patio at 3 in the morning while I was awake nursing the baby. I have gotten up very early and stood in our stock trailer waiting for it but the only time I saw it I MISSED! ok I am not a great shot. But the neighbor called me 2 hours later and said it was just south of our house again so I must not have scared it too badly. I just don't know what else to do...
Do not poison. When that fox, (or whatever) dies after being poisoned, it will be consumed some other animal that will die. Good birds and other criiters you want around. I seriously thought of poisoning Coyotes here because they do a number on our fresh dropped fawns and wild turkeys. But I will not for the reasons stated in this post. Best way is a trap, and then let them meet the business end of a Mossberg or equivilant. Just my opinion, but I understand the frustration of loosing your birds to them.
Sorry for the reasons above antifreeze will likely not work, if you wanna try use something else...

I'd get a live trap with a long rope, cover it well, put it near a perimeter (where foxes walk) and start baiting it- when I'm sure the fox thinks its his own food, set it...
ok i am trying to locate a large live trap. I have several foot traps out already. What is the best bait? All this is new to me. DH works lots and I have 4 kids so I can not keep a gun loaded by the back door (or I would have had it already MAYBE;)) This had been going on for a while and I am seriously ready to be done with it.
I'd use... chicken (behind the grab door) and raw eggs (cracked onto the plate)- when you go to set it I'd use something sticky to make sure the trap triggers... I only catch stuff after I make a habit of 'feeding' for a couple days... when the food is 'licked' off the trigger you know dummy fox is comfy.

(don't forget the rope)
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he /it may be a bit more on guard away from your farm if you can find where they are coming onto your farm the trails they use they will normally run an "edge" where terrain changes woods /field ditch bank/field etc setting a trap near their normal line of travel makes it a lot easier to catch them

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