Polish Killed how?


Sep 27, 2019
I had a year-old Polish Chicken who was killed yesterday through a dog run that is covered in chain link that is also covered in chicken wire and a cement floor. Found her on the ground by the side of her roost against the side of the coop. Head had multiple injuries and a few bloody feathers beside her. Nothing got inside the coop. She was killed from the outside. There had been a raven hanging about the chickens and the chickens huddled in a corner and made a big racket. We heard nothing so I am thinking whatever attacked her through the kennel at night. We have skunks, racoons, opossums, owls, hawks and coyotes. I am thinking none of those could reach through the small opening in the chicken wire to get her. Any ideas and how can I better predator proof my coop?
Actually many things can actually fit through chicken wire.

Cover the coop with 1/2 hardware cloth.
Any openings bigger than 1/2 inch isn't predator proof.
Add Netting to the wire, I personally would add security cams, there's a real cheap system for about 30 bucks at walmart online. I just set it up for my house, and am going to buy another to place a camera inside the coop. its real simple and works well, you can also monitor it from your phone!

Aside from that ^ hardware cloth or netting and a farm dog!
Actually many things can actually fit through chicken wire.

Cover the coop with 1/2 hardware cloth.
Any openings bigger than 1/2 inch isn't predator proof.
Just check and the chicken wire is .59 inches ( 1.5cm) so too big
Add Netting to the wire, I personally would add security cams, there's a real cheap system for about 30 bucks at walmart online. I just set it up for my house, and am going to buy another to place a camera inside the coop. its real simple and works well, you can also monitor it from your phone!

Aside from that ^ hardware cloth or netting and a farm dog!
Thank you. What kind of netting would be good? I mentioned to my husband for us to get a little cam last night. I appreciate the recommendation to Walmart. Her sisters were all around her when I found her, nudging her to try to get her to get up.
thats awful.

I recommend just looking online at the kinds there are available at your local feed store, or online at amazon etc, that way you can find one within your price bracket.

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