Pullet right eye dilated, can't eat, pecks air above food


Mar 17, 2021
One of my 7 week old pullets has suddenly started having trouble eating her food, she just pecks a few inches above it. Tried hand feeding, she just wants to move further away from the food.
Her right eye seems constantly dilated.
Same behaviour when scratching around the dirt, just specks the air above the ground.

However, she does seem to be drinking ok.

Video when trying to give her a black soldier fly larvae:

I first noticed this yesterday.
No pupil is nice and clear, just fully dilated.
Ventilation is good, definitely not a problem there.

Not sure if there is a better way to post videos. The attach files seemed to only let me select photos.


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Still no improvement with being able to peck things, though I have managed to get her eating with a different style feeder, where she has to put her whole head in and down and I assume can't actually see the food.
She navigates perfectly fine, and has perfect accuracy when trying to peck things… just about 3 inches away from it. If you drew a line from her beak it'd be straight at the intended target, even if it's moving.
it seems the problem is just judging distance then; I've seen this with a couple of my birds, and I've no idea what's really going on, but in both cases it was temporary.

Use whatever method works so she can eat, and keep an eye on her hydration. I'd let her eat whatever she wants, with a good variety on offer for her to select from - I'd be presenting things like sardine, peanut butter sandwich, milk-soaked bread, banana, fermented whole wheat and other grains and seeds - plenty of wet food to help with hydration. Chickens are remarkably good at self medicating if they have access to what they instinctively know they need. Good luck!
Thanks. Strangely she has no trouble drinking. And seems to be eating ok now with the different feeder.
Hopefully it is temporary, rather heart-breaking seeing her trying to peck things but missing.
Thought I'd provide an update to this post.
She ended up going completely blind in both eyes, but was adapting ok. She was still eating and drinking ok, and still getting up on the perch with the others (I had some stairs there), but then suddenly started weakening, getting progressively worse, and a few days later I was nearby and heard squawking. I ran over and the young cockerel was attacking her, she was having trouble walking and her head was twitching. I ended up having to put her down. That was on the 20th of April.

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