Raw turnips for chickens?


May 26, 2016
Central Arkansas
This may be a stupid question,but is it OK to feed raw turnips to my 6 month old chickens? I gave them some of the greens hung up in their coop today and they loved them. Now I have left over raw turnips and I'm wondering if I can feed those as well.
Hi there
Turnips are not poisonous for chickens so they can eat it.
I would chop it up and peel it.
I have never fed my hens turnip but I am not sure if they will eat it
Because it is hard.
I would still try it though and let us know how it gets on.
If it dosnt work Maybe feed them some brassicas eg. Cabbage, broccoli
They love them!
Raw veggies are good for chickens and can also entertain and relieve boredom. I feed jumbo carrots, parsnips, turnips, and cabbage. To maximize the ease of eating, and make it really simple for yourself (no prep), get an eye screw and screw it into the top of the turnip or other raw veggie.

Tie a string to the eye hook and hang it. The vegetable then becomes a "tether ball" while the chickens play with it and eat it. It's very entertaining for everyone.
Thanks. I found a small crop of turnip greens down the street from my house with a sign that said "free greens you pick". I went and got a bunch yesterday. I tied a bunch of the greens in a bundle and hung it up. They LOVED it. I'll chop the turnips up and see if they want those too. Don't want to waste them.
My Chickens love raw turnips. I throw the whole turnips, top and all to them, and they completely devour them with in an hour or two. My Bantams prefer them chopped though. Good luck with your flock.

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