Ronidazole dose for chickens??


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2019
I've struggled with canker in my flock for the past few years. Unfortunately my girls are all carriers and flare up from time to time. (I do treat the entire flock with copper sulfate in their water for a few days a month and this usually keeps it at bay)

Metrinidozole doesnt seem to have much effect on our particular strain, and it's all my vet could prescribe, so I'd like to try out ronidazole and see if we have better luck.

The chicken I'm treating right now is a small silkie hen about 4 years old. Shes in good shape at the moment (her weight is still good, she's still eating and active) but there is a visible yellow growth in the roof of her mouth and the characteristic foul canker smell. I've been treating her with metrinidozole for the past few months, and it seems to be keeping the canker from spreading, but there hasn't been much improvement.

I've ordered ronidazole in powder form from a pigeon supply website (brand name is Aviozole if that helps) and wanted to get some clarification before using it.

The instructions say to mix 2 teaspoons to a gallon of water for a 10% mixture. I know this dosage is intended for pigeons, and was wondering what the dosage for my hen would be? Should I go ahead and follow the given instructions? She's a small chicken, and not much heavier than a large pigeon would be, so if it's a matter of weight I think she's pretty close.

If anyone has any experience with this or any advice, I'd really appreciate it!!

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