Rooster attacked a newer rooster help!

How's he holding up?
Well I got both good and crazy news.

So it seems he didn’t fully lose his eye, with the spray I bought and started using the feathers on his head are starting to regrow and the legs are looking better.

Crazy side, my baby chick was attacked Monday while I was gone for 9hrs. Everyone including the mom keeps pecking at her, so I’m having to keep her in a box in my bathroom, she’s extremely clingy to me now, which is fine by me till she’s flying across my bathroom at night. I’m using the same spray on her back and under her wings where all the feathers are missing.


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Well I got both good and crazy news.

So it seems he didn’t fully lose his eye, with the spray I bought and started using the feathers on his head are starting to regrow and the legs are looking better.

Crazy side, my baby chick was attacked Monday while I was gone for 9hrs. Everyone including the mom keeps pecking at her, so I’m having to keep her in a box in my bathroom, she’s extremely clingy to me now, which is fine by me till she’s flying across my bathroom at night. I’m using the same spray on her back and under her wings where all the feathers are missing.
That's great to hear that he didn't lose his eye :woot

And again, sorry to hear that about the chick. That could be the pecking order. It happened to my white laced wyandotte, so I separated her from the older chickens. The back of her head was exposed, I mean I could see the bone :th. I mixed a spray that had some herbs (I forgot what it was) and she healed over time. She is well today and gets along with the older chickens now :)
That's great to hear that he didn't lose his eye :woot

And again, sorry to hear that about the chick. That could be the pecking order. It happened to my white laced wyandotte, so I separated her from the older chickens. The back of her head was exposed, I mean I could see the bone :th. I mixed a spray that had some herbs (I forgot what it was) and she healed over time. She is well today and gets along with the older chickens now :)
Chaos has ensued!!! Got home from work and had to rescue one of my hens! I used the same spray on the wound but needed extra hands to get supplies to wrap it if I can.

Warning graphic content ahead!!!!!


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Chaos has ensued!!! Got home from work and had to rescue one of my hens! I used the same spray on the wound but needed extra hands to get supplies to wrap it if I can.

Warning graphic content ahead!!!!!
The area of that wound and the wound of the little chicken I would think that your rooster is to blame. Likely with places of the wounds, he could be too aggressive well mating with the hens. And also fighting off your other rooster. I would recommend rehoming your rooster JR. For your flocks safety.

As for treating the wound I would clean it up, and spray it with the same spray and wrap it up. Hopefully no more choas breaks loose well you are gone!
The area of that wound and the wound of the little chicken I would think that your rooster is to blame. Likely with places of the wounds, he could be too aggressive well mating with the hens. And also fighting off your other rooster. I would recommend rehoming your rooster JR. For your flocks safety.

As for treating the wound I would clean it up, and spray it with the same spray and wrap it up. Hopefully no more choas breaks loose well you are gone!
The hens he attacked are new to the flock, there was 3 new hens. They’ve been separate till Monday when the hierarchy/pecking order came into play, but for some odd reason out of the 3 new hens this one hen got singled out.

Got her bandaged up, after wrapping her neck up she was standing but putting her beak to the kennel floor with eyes closed.

For the time being and safety I placed the other two in a separate area and Sarah the one who got attacked in her own kennel for safety n quiet.

The other two is Winifred and Mary, yes we named these three after the Sanderson sisters.

They’ve been doing fine till today, while I was at work.


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Chaos has ensued!!! Got home from work and had to rescue one of my hens! I used the same spray on the wound but needed extra hands to get supplies to wrap it if I can.

Warning graphic content ahead!!!!!
Sheesh! :hmm Your rooster must have a grudge. Well someone beat me to it, but I'm glad you went ahead and treated the wound.
Sheesh! :hmm Your rooster must have a grudge. Well someone beat me to it, but I'm glad you went ahead and treated the wound.
Try to get him more tail and this is what he does to said tail…. He’s being worst then a donkey atm.

I was able to narrow down the time frame to 5:40-7:20 that it happened, we have a security cam that looks over the yard and she was fine till then and I got home and was in the back by the second time and seen her.

Between the spray which is the pic, I also used a cream to help kill off different bacteria in open wounds and help healing. Just so it wouldn’t be to open for infecting or flies.


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Well, I got all sorts of news for tonight.

First off, Eagle no longer requires eye drops. The top of his head has healed up but I’m going to continue to treat it along with his legs as since I started spraying his head the feathers started to regrow.

Second, I left baby Zoey outside all day in the crate with Eagle. I was a tiny bit worried he would attack her, but I figured the two might bond over their incidents. I had my child check on them when she got home and they were perfectly fine. They were cuddled up with each other in fact!

Third, Sarah’s wound still looks bad but not as bad as last night. Between that spray and me applying mupirocin ointment 2%. It’s looking an itty bitty tiny bit better, I’m be looking into a bacterial type spray that also numbs the area.

Graphic warning ahead for 1 picture.


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So my big male rooster Junior who is Silver phoenix/Maran attacked one of our new roosters (Eagle) Tuesday, pecked out his left eye. The attack happened when I was moving chickens around and happened before I could grab him, I've contacted the vets and they can't get him in. I got a hold of a wildlife rehabilitation center who told me to just use eye wash and cotton swabs like I have been doing, the issue I'm really running into now is that there is puss coming from the eye socket. I'm worried I'm have to get him antibiotics to clear it up fully, another issue arise from this, due to Eagle hiding out after his attack, he decided to hide in one of the hens nesting boxes and that hen didn't like that and pecked the top of his head causing that to bleed. I've now got him isolated in another location to heal but the hen who was pecking him is now crowing like crazy because he was removed from the flock which is making him go off.

anyone with any info or help would be graciously appreciated!
I just had the same problem last week and his eye was swollen so bad and look like hamburger. It also had in yellow pests looking stuff sleeping out of it as well and I flushed his eye with warm sterilized water and saline and then I have been putting terramycin in on his eye and it's been a week and the swelling is gone the yellow discharge is gone and he's opening his eye. It's still there but it looks like the colored part of his eye is pushed further back and crooked within his eyeball. Yeah we have seven roosters four big roosters and three small roosters. Usually the three small roosters hang out in the same area with Bubba one of the big roosters and if we've never had a problem until last week. I was gone so I don't know who the culprit was but patooties my baby boy so it was pretty heartbreaking even though he's doing better now
Try to get him more tail and this is what he does to said tail…. He’s being worst then a donkey atm.

I was able to narrow down the time frame to 5:40-7:20 that it happened, we have a security cam that looks over the yard and she was fine till then and I got home and was in the back by the second time and seen her.

Between the spray which is the pic, I also used a cream to help kill off different bacteria in open wounds and help healing. Just so it wouldn’t be to open for infecting or flies.
I believe vetercyn is for external use only so I don't know if I would use it to treat an eye wound but terramycin ointment can be used in the eye so I would say that is the way to go

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