Shelless egg


Jun 30, 2019
So I only have two regular chickens besides silkies. One has been laying for about a month and a half. The other should start laying any day now. They both sleep on the same roost at night and have both been laying in the same nesting box each day. I have been finding eggs without the shell (just lining and yolk) in both spots so I can’t tell which one it is.

Is this the new chicken having issues laying a egg for the first time or a existing problem with my laying hen? They are fed layer feed.
It is likely the new hen having trouble with the creation of the shell. Sometimes by adding a little crushed oyster shell or even feeding calcium rich foods like cheese as a treat can boost calcium levels and promote the body making shells.
It is likely the new hen having trouble with the creation of the shell. Sometimes by adding a little crushed oyster shell or even feeding calcium rich foods like cheese as a treat can boost calcium levels and promote the body making shells.
Her food has “oyster strong” shells in it. Should I add more on the side? Or just try cheese. And does it matter what kind of cheese? I have a lot of different kinds in my fridge right now!
If you have some extra oyster shell it wouldn’t hurt. You can even mix it in with cheese. As I’m sure you know cheese is very high in fat so you do have to be careful about how much you give it to them, not that it’ll hurt them but we all want out birds to be healthy. There is no real particular kind.Usual when I feed them cheese it’s because it has started to mold a little bit. They don’t seem to mind so I guess everyone is happy
Her food has “oyster strong” shells in it. Should I add more on the side? Or just try cheese. And does it matter what kind of cheese? I have a lot of different kinds in my fridge right now!
Don't give cheese...too much salt...
...and it sound as if she has enough calcium in her diet.
New layers can have some funky eggs at first.
What is the exact brand/model of feed you are using?
Any other 'foods/treats' taht you are feeding?
Don't give cheese...too much salt...
...and it sound as if she has enough calcium in her diet.
New layers can have some funky eggs at first.
What is the exact brand/model of feed you are using?
Any other 'foods/treats' taht you are feeding?

That’s why they have water 🙂
I think I had a shell-less egg from three of my four girls when they first started laying, all at different stages of their learning process. They have calcium in their layer feed, and I offer oyster shells in a little feeder at all times, they will take it if they need it, and they do. But I think it is all part of their systems learning what to do. I have read where it can happen near the end of a hens laying career as well. If it continues, and that is all you are getting over and over, you may need to investigate more, but I wouldn't worry too much in the beginning stages.
Don't give cheese...too much salt...
...and it sound as if she has enough calcium in her diet.
New layers can have some funky eggs at first.
What is the exact brand/model of feed you are using?
Any other 'foods/treats' taht you are feeding?
I didn’t do the cheese. I bought the oyster shells and put it next to the food. They get the purina layer feed thats “oyster strong”. I give them mealworms and scratch twice a week for a treat and they have free range between 1-7 when I’m home almost everyday.
I didn’t do the cheese. I bought the oyster shells and put it next to the food. They get the purina layer feed thats “oyster strong”. I give them mealworms and scratch twice a week for a treat and they have free range between 1-7 when I’m home almost everyday.
I use the same feed as you, and all my girls eat the oyster shells I keep on the side, I guess they just need more. Sounds like your doing just fine :)
Just like people, chickens can eat salty things as treats and still be ok. We are all just talking about different ways to supplement in calcium. Notice how I said it’s likely just the new hen having trouble and I also said supplementing extra oyster shell is an option. Then even to top it off feeding other things such as cheese can offer more calcium. It is also enrichment to the birds

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