Show me/ tell me abt your micro/mini homestead


Hedgeland Farms

May 5, 2022
Southern Illinois
Good afternoon!!

As we trudge on towards building up "Hedgeapple Acre" (hedgeland farms was the name prior to buying it) I'd love to hear or see what all you've guys got going on on your small/micro/mini homesteads.

We are aiming for goats this yr.
We are raising a pig (adding 2 more after this ones butcher date), abt 18 chickens (soon adding 30 more) and bunnies (just pets). We are planning our garden out for spring and hoping to plant abt 10 fruit trees. We are also aiming to get into raising meat rabbits)

We are on going into our second yr at growing our little micro homestead, and I just love reading and looking at others accomplishments and set ups!!
been starting to build an off grid summer farm, not sure if that counts as a micro homestead though.

got about 160 acres, 4 bee hives and half acre garden.

this years plans are to expand hopefully to 8 bee hives, keep the garden same size and plant about 150 berry bushes.
This sounds awesome!!! Definitely don't consider it micro 🤣🤣🤣
I'm looking at getting bees next spring. What breed do you have/recommend? I'm zone 5b here in Michigan.
am in Saskatchewan and my bees are in zone 3 this is going to be my third year raising them. so i am no expert, but i raise carniolan bees, my mentor raises them and recommend them (he also breeds them)

but i would highly recommend checking out the bee thread on here, lots more knowledgeable then i am, also i should note apparently we raise are bees different up here my mentor told me the books i should check out and avoid lots of the books based on you guys from the states.
am in Saskatchewan and my bees are in zone 3 this is going to be my third year raising them. so i am no expert, but i raise carniolan bees, my mentor raises them and recommend them (he also breeds them)

but i would highly recommend checking out the bee thread on here, lots more knowledgeable then i am, also i should note apparently we raise are bees different up here my mentor told me the books i should check out and avoid lots of the books based on you guys from the states.
Been looking for a bee thread on here and can’t find it. Do you have a link?

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