Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

Actually I love the idea!!! Plant your garden inside and plants for the rabbits/wildlife outside in the pallets!

I was thinking a pallet fence planted with some type of vine plant, covering the entire pallet, would look really cool. A beautiful green wall. I would plant beans, and have something to eat, too. Don't know if beans would do well in a shallow planter, but I'd give it a try.
When I was a much younger man, I visited Greece and spent a week there. It was late May or early June. It was already hot by then, but I don't remember it being a desert. We stayed in Athens.

come at the end of july or august and I will ask you, lol. the salamina island where I live (near athens) has no green. stones and dead soil in summer.
I am proposing this separate thread dedicated to showing off your DIY Pallet Projects and perhaps a little discussion on the topic of pallet projects. I know there are pics and posts about pallet projects here and there on the BYC forums, but some people suggested I start a dedicated thread to the subject so we can all share our pallet projects and maybe pass along some good idea for others.

I'll start off with a simple pallet project I built for the garden. It's a tool holder for hoes, rakes, shovels, etc.. I made one full length pallet to hold my longest handled tools, but I added another pallet cut down 3/4 size and 1/2 size for my shorter handled tools. I connected the pallets with some 2X4's long enough to fit my 5 gallon buckets between the pallets. What I like about this project is that it was super simple to make for a beginner. Secondly, I now have my tools all stored in one place instead of laying all over the garden. Third, the stand is light enough to move wherever I want, but heavy enough not to blow over in a good wind. Here's the pic...

View attachment 3208481

Here is what it looks like on the backside.

View attachment 3208485
I love this idea. I'm going to use it ! Thanks
I was thinking a pallet fence planted with some type of vine plant, covering the entire pallet, would look really cool. A beautiful green wall. I would plant beans, and have something to eat, too. Don't know if beans would do well in a shallow planter, but I'd give it a try.

good idea. heartleaf ice plant would do here (pic from internet):
heartleaf ice plant.jpg
come [to Greece] at the end of july or august and I will ask you, lol. the salamina island where I live (near athens) has no green. stones and dead soil in summer.

When I visited Greece, I was part of a university study group. One of our first visits was Athens, around the end of May, and we worked our way northward into Europe during the summer. Our instructor advised us that Greece would be "uncomfortable" later in the summer, but it was actually very nice, as I remember it, in late May.

Later in life, I was stationed in Naples, Italy for a few years. Summers were uncomfortably hot for me (I was born and raised in northern Minnesota), but I was able to tolerate the other seasons fairly well. Even a short trip north to Rome gave us some relief from the heat.

Anyways, thanks for your comments. It's always great to hear from other people around the world. But I don't think I would plan a vacation to Greece in July or August.
I love this idea. I'm going to use it ! Thanks

I hope you find this thread useful. We have already had lots of uploads of pallet projects and pictures. I know I get inspired by the projects of others and the discussion of possibilities of future projects.

:caf If there is any certain kind of pallet project that you might be interested in, and you don't yet see it on this thread, give a shout out and maybe we can help. I am not beyond looking up stuff online and copy/paste a picture or two to help out. Often times I get inspiration from questions others ask.
But, I also love it for the fact that I could put this around my eventual goats...

:thumbsup Pigs, goats, chickens.... You are really living the dream. I love hearing about your adventures and seeing the pics you share. Thank you.

:lau I tried to trick Dear Wife in letting me get some other animals. I asked her, "Honey, would you rather I got a goat or a pig this year?" But she did not fall for the trap...

:tongue "Neither!" :smack

So, my only hope is that you and others continue to share your experiences.

At least I have a nice backyard flock to enjoy. :wee
:bow Nicely done. That first pallet coop looks like it was a lot of work. Also, I think you must get better pallet wood than what I find. Good for you.

Is the second coop in progress a metal shed conversion? I have been suggesting that if I had to do it all over again, I might do a metal shed conversion because if I ever stop having chickens, I would then still have a shed for the lawn mowers and such. As much as I love my chicken coop, it will only ever be a chicken coop and I don't expect it to have any life if I don't have chickens some day.

Recently, I have been considering a pallet wood shed, but the concept would be the same as if I had a metal shed. I'm thinking a dirt floor so I can drive in the lawn mowers, but that might be a problem with chickens and predators digging into the coop.
So both times I have decided to build a coop the price for wood was sky high so the first one we broke the pallets down, which was a chore but those pallets were free. The second is a Lowe's 10x13 metal shed and as expensive as they are was cheaper than wood at the time. The pallets used there were 2$ a piece at our local small town hardware store The only thing is the metal building heats up so I added fans and designed it so I could leave the doors open and added gable vents on both ends. I also have electric poutry netting around my chicken area and hardware cloth on outside openings.
The deer found my bean plants in my 16 inch high raised beds. At first, considered it might be more rabbits, but upon closer inspection the plants were eaten from the top down. They left all my other plants, only ate the beans. Maybe they don't like kale, lettuce, onions, or peppers?
They love green beans, tomatoes (not foliage), sweet peas, field peas, collards, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, cantaloupe and probably some I've forgotten. They never nibbled my kale, lettuce, onions, garlic, peppers, or squash. Thankfully I got the netting up before it got too bad.
A friend of mine had to install a 7 foot fence to keep the deer out of his orchard. Unfortunately, the deer had no problem jumping the 7 foot fence.
I grow 2 types of pole beans and indeterminate tomatoes that I trellis very tall. I also trellis cucumbers and peas. It helps save my back! This old gray mare ain't what she used to be. 🤣 I have damaged disk in my spine so I'd rather stand and pick if I can. Also by having posts and trellising inside the fence, the deer can't easily see a landing spot. They like some clearing in view before jumping. Our garden is not raised beds but planted right in the ground and is about 60' x 75'.
Won't rabbits dig under a fence to get into a garden?
We made sure it was in direct contact with the ground. The grass is very thick but kept trimmed outside the garden never had any digging that I've seen. I have seen bunny poo piles right outside the fence.
:lau I tried to trick Dear Wife in letting me get some other animals. I asked her, "Honey, would you rather I got a goat or a pig this year?" But she did not fall for the trap...

:tongue "Neither!" :smack
Great try! 🤣
If I said this to my DH, he'd say, "When ya want to go get them!" :rolleyes:

good idea. heartleaf ice plant would do here (pic from internet):
View attachment 3258409
I grow this too! It is not completely hardy here. It winters in my unheated greenhouse. I hardly water it in winter. Just a tiny bit once in a while. Love the bright flowers and cuttings root easily.

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