Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

On the whole subject of pulling nails. I am probably the only weirdo that LOVES the look of the nail heads in the wood 🤣🤪🤣🤪 I think it gives it character and makes it look old and used and rustic... yep, I am a weirdo. I love the holes left behind by some nails..I love how no piece really is ever the same bc of all of these little imperfections. Idk lol....I love embracing imperfections I guess lol
I do to for most things I've used pallet wood for ❤️. There's a few things I've seen on here that I'd like to try with a less rustic look too though. Still no time to try anything for a while yet though ☹️☹️☹️
I totally love the spice rack!!!
It's now on my list of stuff to build!! When I am done with these full pallet builds first lol

:caf I know the feeling. I'm making short term lists, long term lists, whenever lists, etc.. for pallet projects I would like to build in the future. Sometimes I find an interesting pallet project, like that spice rack, that I might be interested in building someday and I'll post it here on this thread. Maybe just my way of having a reference place to come back to when I actually want to attempt the build project. In the meantime, it might inspire someone else to build it now if they need one. But lots of things I just file in the back of the brain to use at a later time.

What I find very useful is the pictures. For example, I don't have enough room for a tall spice rack like I posted in the picture, but I could make that same type of design only shorter to fit in my kitchen. Lots of other pics upload by others here on BYC have inspired me to modify a design to fit my particular needs.

I also like uploading and sharing YouTube videos of pallet projects I find interesting. I'm sure glad that BYC has that media link option. I have learned more than a few tips and tricks watching someone else build their project. I'm always thinking, I could do that, or if I changed it just a little bit it would work better for me.

But yeah, lots of projects would be great to build after you get done with the priority projects first.
Still no time to try anything for a while yet though ☹️☹️☹️

Well, you can fill your head with pallet ideas and knowledge in the meantime with posts and comments uploaded by the BYC community on this thread. When the time comes when you can start a build, then you will be all the more prepared.

I also encourage people to upload pics or ask questions about pallet projects they may be interested in doing someday. I know I have discovered some projects that I was not even thinking about just by reading these posts and looking at all the pictures. If you have an idea for a pallet project, post your thoughts here and maybe someone already has done it, or can find possible plans for you. It's all good and people here are willing to share.
, you are not alone. There are lots of pallet projects that proudly display either the nail holes and/or the nail heads. If you have a project like that in mind, then I think the best method to breakdown a pallet is to use the Sawzall method, where you can keep the nail heads in the wood or easily remove them by using a punch.

On my long project list is building a better spice rack for Dear Wife. I was looking online for ideas and inspirations. I found this Repurposed Pallet Spice Rack on Etsy for $60.00.

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How easy would it be to build this pallet wood spice rack? You can see that the nail holes are proudly displayed in the used wood. Looks like he added some stain to darken up the wood just a bit, to bring out the character of the wood and to enhance the effect of looking old and rustic.

I don't have enough room for a big spice rack like this in our kitchen, but your comments reminded me of this specific spice rack which uses the nails holes as a feature in the build. I think it looks nice. You can bet that I would build my own spice rack like this instead of paying someone else $60.00. But I started this thread with the idea of promoting DIY pallet projects that people can do at home.

As to removing pallet nails, I do it because the current projects I have been building require me to cut boards down to size and i don't want any nails in wood near my spinning saw blades. I hope people are not under the impression that they must remove the nails or try to hide the nail holes in their pallet projects. That was certainly not my intention.

FWIW, when I made the roof of my pallet wood storage bin, using the board on board method, I just used the Sawzall method to cut off planks and kept the nail heads in the boards to fill the holes.

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You might like the technique used in this video. I've never used the acrylic paints with this stain.
There's a few things I've seen on here that I'd like to try with a less rustic look too though.

:idunno There are also some pallet wood projects that are made with milling the pallet wood, using expensive planers, edgers, routers, etc... I'm not at that skill level, so I have not posted any projects of those kinds. But I have seen some pallet wood projects that are works of art which require lots of time and effort, and expensive equipment, to make.

:caf If anyone is interested in pallet projects with milled wood, let me know and maybe we can post some projects. I suspect most people reading this thread are into pallet projects to save money while building something useful. But I don't want to limit the options on how people use their pallet wood.
Well, you can fill your head with pallet ideas and knowledge in the meantime with posts and comments uploaded by the BYC community on this thread. When the time comes when you can start a build, then you will be all the more prepared.

I also encourage people to upload pics or ask questions about pallet projects they may be interested in doing someday. I know I have discovered some projects that I was not even thinking about just by reading these posts and looking at all the pictures. If you have an idea for a pallet project, post your thoughts here and maybe someone already has done it, or can find possible plans for you. It's all good and people here are willing to share.
I like the idea of storing ideas on I have two chicken runs up that need coops built still and six runs that need roofs, a dog house for winter warmth and a dove cote on my building list...but first I have a nearly month long trip coming in a couple weeks.

I want to try shingles for the roof of the doghouse...and if that goes well, the roof of 2 coops.

I'm very excited about trying shingles! If it goes well then I have a greenhouse that needs roof repairs too that might get shingles. It had a clear roof but here in AZ I've found I need a shaded roof for the greenhouse and my tablecloth stretched overhead inside is getting old. 🤣
I'm very excited about trying shingles! If it goes well then I have a greenhouse that needs roof repairs too that might get shingles.

I really liked the looks of those pallet shingles, both as roof shingles and also used as siding. I hope to build something that I can try out pallet shingles.

I also liked the board on board design which I ended up using on my pallet wood storage bin. That was basically just a flat roof and I did not think making shingles on a flat roof would work very well.

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