Sick chicken!!


Jun 30, 2019
My one year old hen i keep finding her laying down a lot. No blood in her poop. Gave her mealworms to see if she’d eat and she did. I seperated her and gave her water with electrolytes. She did poop a liquid that was dark green with some yellow in it. She free ranges during the day and gets sources of fruits and veggies from me.
How old is your hen, and does she lay eggs? Do you offer a balanced chicken feed as well? Poop pictures are welcome. Dark green poops can be from not eating enough, but the yellow sounds concerning. If the white urates in the poop are yellow, that can be a sign of dehydration or kidney problems.
How old is your hen, and does she lay eggs? Do you offer a balanced chicken feed as well? Poop pictures are welcome. Dark green poops can be from not eating enough, but the yellow sounds concerning. If the white urates in the poop are yellow, that can be a sign of dehydration or kidney problems.
Shes a little over a year, she hasnt laid an egg in several months but she doesnt and hasnt looked egg bound.she gets a balanced feed, fresh herbs/veggies/mealworms. I wasnt sure if maybe she was dehydrated so I put electrolytes in her water. If its a kindey issue is their anything i can do?
I am sorry, but I misspoke earlier. The yellow urates would be due to a liver issue, not kidney. It would be good to see a picture of droppings. I think the electrolytes are good for a day or two, but offer plain water as well, in case she doesn’t like the taste of electrolytes.

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