Sick hen


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2019
I have an Isa Brown who is about 2 years old. A couple of days ago I noticed her lingering in the nesting box squatting at roost time. The next morning her crop felt squishy like a water balloon so I separated her. It went down some overnight. But the next morning she was still unwell. Squatting a lot. Fluffed up looking. I did an epsom soak yesterday, and added Gatorade with crushed tums to her water. During the soak she expelled 2 small rubbery and very stinky pieces that look like what I thought was part of a lash egg. She’s not laid any eggs the last couple days. I gave her a baytril injection based off the advice of another very helpful chicken keeper. This morning still not well. Drinking but not eating. Very small amount of Watery stool. I also found what I believe is to be blood but possibly is intestinal lining. I did another epsom soak. More
Gatorade which she loves. Crushed tums. To be safe I purchased and started my entire flock on liquid corid. 9.5 ml per gallon. No sooner did I do that but I found a pile of poop in the run that contained round worms. I’m not even sure which chicken among the 15 it belongs to. I’ve found no worms in the separated hens pen. I’m unsure of how to proceed. Do I continue corid? Do I deworm while on corid? My vet doesn’t typically treat chickens but last fall he gave me some strongid liquid to use as a dewormer but I’m unsure if it would be safe to use while they are on corrid? Also, I’m unsure of egg withdrawals? I’m kind of at a loss as to how to proceed. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Your hen appears to have salpingitis which is inflammation of the oviduct, and causes the lash egg material. This can progress to egg yolk peritonitis later. Baytril is a good choice for salpingitis, since it can treat E.coli, mycoplasma, and other bacteria that may be involved. The dosage of 10% Baytril liquid is 0.05 ml per pound given twice a day for 5 days. That is about 1/4 ml for a 5 pound hen.
Baytril (enrofloxacin) is banned for chickens in the US by the FDA, but many vets prescribe it for certain infections when other antibiotics may not help. Do not use the eggs if she lays again for at least 30 days. Here is some reading about salpingitis:
Your hen appears to have salpingitis which is inflammation of the oviduct, and causes the lash egg material. This can progress to egg yolk peritonitis later. Baytril is a good choice for salpingitis, since it can treat E.coli, mycoplasma, and other bacteria that may be involved. The dosage of 10% Baytril liquid is 0.05 ml per pound given twice a day for 5 days. That is about 1/4 ml for a 5 pound hen.
Baytril (enrofloxacin) is banned for chickens in the US by the FDA, but many vets prescribe it for certain infections when other antibiotics may not help. Do not use the eggs if she lays again for at least 30 days. Here is some reading about salpingitis:
Thank you. I just checked on her. More
Blood in her pen. She ate some. Should I continue with corid as a safe guard. What about a dewormer that can be used with corid?
It won’t hurt to complete a course of Corid. Blood can be from many different causes—coccidiosis, worms, enteritis, cancer, and from eating glass and other sharp objects. I am not sure of the dosage of Strongid or piperazine. I am more familiar with Wazine 17, another piperazine product, Valbazen or SafeGuard. But you could worm her, or wait until the Corid is finished.
It won’t hurt to complete a course of Corid. Blood can be from many different causes—coccidiosis, worms, enteritis, cancer, and from eating glass and other sharp objects. I am not sure of the dosage of Strongid or piperazine. I am more familiar with Wazine 17, another piperazine product, Valbazen or SafeGuard. But you could worm her, or wait until the Corid is finished.
I think I will get some safeguard tomorrow. I read it’s safe to use with corrid. I’ve never used it. Do you use the one marketed for goats?

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