Sick turkey.. need help and advice


Aug 6, 2023
My male turkey is over a year old . He is our beloved family pet. His name is dog.. Dog has fallowed our children as they play allowing them to pet and hug and kiss him. Welcomed any guest that pull in our drive. guarded our porch all winter. Guided our chickens and ducks and has been an active important part of out daily lives .. he was literally playing in our baby pool and complaining about fireworks a few nights ago and now he lays lifelessly drained and tired. Overheated and sad looking. He has lost his once ravenous appetite and barely lifts his head or noticed life around him. I have been reading these post and some seem fitting but not sure .. he does not seem to sneeze or have sinus issues. I found no sores and even poop seems oddly normal . No vets around hear deal w turkeys and the stores have no help w medical advice.. any ideas what i should do or suggestions where to get help or medicine?? Please help


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No those pics are from few weeks ago.. he won't barely stand or walk around . I had to make him drink from my hands. He just sleeps and lays dead like . It's heartbreaking
His poop was runny this morning.. dark blackish. My mom said she thinks maybe later it was whitish but not sure cause we have other fowl running around
I tried to find antibiotic or wormer for turkeys at tractor supply or farm n fleet and other supplies store. No luck they had rx and probiotics but I need meds. Can't really afford vet but was still gonna do it anyways even if it will debt us but not a single vet does livestock and i paid multiple websites vets but all gave generic answers and no real help . Can I buy antibiotic somewhere or online and can I give them bovine and swine antibodies and when you say safeguard is it the same as dog and cat wormer?
What big city are you close to? Let me know and I will try to find a vet for you.
I live in carey Ohio. Findlay is about 49 mins from me.. is that the only way to get antibiotics? Can I buy online or use other breed of animals ..can I use wormer for different species.
He sounds pretty sick, so I don't think you have time to order anything.

For worms, you can give him Safeguard for goats, Panacur horse paste, & Safeguard horse paste.

Water - he needs no less than 5% of his body weight per day. If he weighs ten pounds, he needs 225 ml to 550 ml of water per day. A vet could give him subcutaneous fluids and show you how to tube feed.

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