Sick turkey


7 Years
May 2, 2017
I have a royal palm Tom had for a while now and today I noticed that he is either sneezing or coughing don’t know exactly but it just started and it is like every 5 -10 seconds non stop what can I do to help him please thank you
Does he have any watery eyes or bubbles in his eyes, nasal drainage, or crackle sounds while breathing? Was he eating feed when he started? How is the coop ventilation?
I got him in 2017 has no mucus,watery eyes,bubbles,drainage, or crackle, he half and half free ranges and cracked corn and pellets.eating like always.sleep in tool shed converted into coop with working windows and working doors only in at night
Is he still sneezing as much as earlier? I would examine his nostrils to make sure there is not a piece of feed or something stuck in them. I would also post on the turkey forum, under “forums” above.

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