Sleepy weak chick


For nothing will be impossible with God-Luke 1:37
Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2021
I have 2 four day old Ayam Cemanis.
The second one that hatched is weak and barely will eat.
I have had electrolytes in the water since hatch. And i have also made mash with the feed. The first one to hatch will eat it but the second one wont on its own.
I take it from under the heat plate make sure it gets water and i give it a small amount of food. Then right back under the heater. Im doing once a hour around the same time the other chick goes and drinks and eats
I gave them some raw egg yolk this morning. And i saw mashed banana and feed would help(but they wouldnt touch it).
What else can i do?
I have 2 four day old Ayam Cemanis.
The second one that hatched is weak and barely will eat.
I have had electrolytes in the water since hatch. And i have also made mash with the feed. The first one to hatch will eat it but the second one wont on its own.
I take it from under the heat plate make sure it gets water and i give it a small amount of food. Then right back under the heater. Im doing once a hour around the same time the other chick goes and drinks and eats
I gave them some raw egg yolk this morning. And i saw mashed banana and feed would help(but they wouldnt touch it).
What else can i do?
Oh sorry about your chick! @azygous @Eggcessive @fluffycrow can you help?
You won't know if it's failure-to-thrive until one week when it will be half the size of the other chick if it's FTT. To get a new chick to eat, keep it with the other chick. They show each other how to do it.

Sprinkle very finely minced egg yolk on the floor of the brooder along with a little dry chick starter. Chicks have an instinct to hunt for food on the ground. Like human infants, eating from dishes and feeders has to be learned. It will come.
You won't know if it's failure-to-thrive until one week when it will be half the size of the other chick if it's FTT. To get a new chick to eat, keep it with the other chick. They show each other how to do it.

Sprinkle very finely minced egg yolk on the floor of the brooder along with a little dry chick starter. Chicks have an instinct to hunt for food on the ground. Like human infants, eating from dishes and feeders has to be learned. It will come.
Ok thank you. I had sprinkled some on the ground. I will do the minced egg yolk .
I did the minced eggs and it wouldn't eat them. Ive been feeding mash every hour througout the day. It will close its eyes every time it eats it. But atleast its eating with me feeding it.

If i were to get some chicks that are the same age from a local person would it be ok to put them all together or should i seperate them?
She doesnt vaccinate them, and its where i got the first eggs i hatched from.

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