What a disappointment after all the wait! :hugs

So she is not a Green Egger but just a standard hybrid layer such as Lohmann brown, Comet or whatever names they choose to call them.
Yup! But she is a beautiful sweet girl so even though I’m disappointed I didn’t get green eggs I’m still happy to have her!
I’m thinking my birds are starlight eggers. We went in thinking they were Easter eggers, but someone recently told me they weren’t 🧐 they are around 9-10 weeks now.


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I’m thinking my birds are starlight eggers. We went in thinking they were Easter eggers, but someone recently told me they weren’t 🧐 they are around 9-10 weeks now.
I have a starlight that is like the identical twin of one of my Easter eggers so it’s hard to tell!
My girls began laying on Christmas morning!! They are awesome birds!


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Norma is beautiful and does look like a hen so far. Fingers crossed for you. So far, all of mine (nearing 2-weeks-old) are super inquisitive. They want to be with and near us. When we lift the top of the brooder, they jump up to sit on the edge nearest where we are to roost, preen, play, etc. I guess birds are like people...everyone's different. I hope Norma settles down a bit for you over time and that she remains a she :)
Did Norma turn out to be a hen?
Love this thread! I have one SGE! She has very strong cream legbar looks, she has a big goofy comb that is folded up like ribon candy, lays just a very light green egg (much closer to blue but definitely a hint of green) was always very skittish, didn't like people much and only really liked one other hen but they grew apart and she was skittish of every human and chicken alike, only trusted the roo. We just added some pullets that are about to lay, but we made sure to give her some chickens with colors similar to hers- the rest of her flock besides the roo were all varieties of black white and grey, so we brought her some "Americana 😉" hen friends. She hated them at first but I held her next to one, Miss Owl, the other day and after about 10 minutes she realized that miss owl was not going to hurt her, and she stopped pecking her. She now follows Miss Owl and Louie (the other "americana") around and now she even comes up to me to say hi and after 8 months will finally eat treats from my hand!
Heres her close up!
here's her "glowing" blue green ear lobes!
she lays the light green in the top corner here!

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