Super windy tonight

Crystal Chicken

Mar 29, 2023
Ontario, Canada
So I thought my girls were good and the ventilation was perfect to vent but not cause a draft, but tonight on a super windy night I could see feathers blowing on my coop cam. The roost is below the vents so I don't know what else to do. There is space to move them down more, so I can try that. For some reason the ladies are all on the highest roost which is directly in the breeze, there is plenty of space for them to be lower. Clearly I need to move that top roost so they are out of the wind, because they can't figure that out on their own.

For a quick fix I put plastic over the vents but on an angle so the coop is not sealed.

Also their door was still open so hopefully when it closes it solves the issue.

Any other tips?
Go inside the coop and close the door, or close the door and use the camera again to assess. You could cover that vent for now if there is other ventilation openings.
Post pics of your coop, inside and out, for more informed advice.
How far above them is the vent when they are on the top roost? And were their feathers being ruffled by the wind (the feathers on the chickens, not loose feathers from the ground)? If they aren’t in direct wind and their plumage isn’t disrupted, then they are fine. The mere movement of air is not a problem, it’s only a problem if it ruffles and opens up their feathers to let the insulating warm air escape from under them.

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