The Difference Between Duck & Geese


Free Ranging
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California

Reincarnated Gods

Done with your bs but loves you anyway

Judging you

“Can I assist you with that?” Assists anyway

Complex relationship with buckets, boots, and bales

So soft

Breeding season: Lemongrab from Adventure Time

The source of most traumatic childhood bird phobias.

You thought you wouldn’t like geese but three days in you’re researching where to buy goose diapers

“All your bases are belong to us”

Wants to fix your hair for you before you head out for the day

Your personal mini dinosaur

Will allow you to worship them

“EWWW! MooOOOOM Something GROSS touched me and I NEEED another bath!”

Wants whatever you’re eating even if they don’t like it

Pure souls

If it doesn’t like you there’s probably a reason

Let me knaw on you lovingly


Can see into the multiverse at all times

Bipolar at will

Mud is the sauce of life

Origin of the next pandemic


Agents of chaos

Breeding season: Hannibal Lecter


Loves you but will probably still eat you if given the chance, lovingly

“Hey Sharon! Have you ever bathed in catnip?”

Filthy peasants

“Clean water?” Here let me fix that for you!”

“Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior MUD?”

“Is that a cow patty? Let’s check it for grubs!”

Enjoys showers, like a lot!

Probably from another dimension

If it doesn’t like you try again tomorrow

Wants to share the mud with you
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Reincarnated Gods

Done with your bs but loves you anyway

Judging you

“Can I assist you with that?” Assists anyway

Complex relationship with buckets, boots, and bales

So soft

Breeding season: Lemongrab from Adventure Time

The source of most traumatic childhood bird phobias.

You thought you wouldn’t like geese but three days in you’re researching where to buy goose diapers

“All your bases are belong to us”

Wants to fix your hair for you before you head out for the day

Your personal mini dinosaur

Will allow you to worship them

“EWWW! MooOOOOM Something GROSS touched me and I NEEED another bath!”

Wants whatever you’re eating even if they don’t like it

Pure souls

If it doesn’t like you there’s probably a reason

Let me knaw on you lovingly


Can see into the multiverse at all times

Bipolar at will

Mud is the sauce of life

Origin of the next pandemic


Agents of chaos

Breeding season: Hannibal Lecter


Loves you but will probably still eat you if given the chance, lovingly

“Hey Sharon! Have you ever bathed in catnip?”

Filthy peasants

“Clean water?” Here let me fix that for you!”

“Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior MUD?”

“Is that a cow patty? Let’s check it for grubs!”

Enjoys showers, like a lot!

Probably from another dimension

If it doesn’t like you try again tomorrow

Wants to share the mud with you
:yuckyuck:lau YES!

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