However, my friend who is also taking some in and I were just talking on the phone and it sounds like the farm sanctuary isn't making some good choices with some of the animals they're taking in. They didn't properly research, which is a bad look for a farm sanctuary.

For example, my friend does pigs, American Guinea Hogs. The farm apparently had some Kune Kune pigs. These are a breed that is trying to be preserved. There are DNA databases for them to prevent inbreeding and you take samples from pigs from unknown breeding to send in and have tested to see if they are inbred or if they're from a line that's dwindling off and trying to be saved, etc. That is to say, they are endangered and being bred responsibly. The farm sanctuary has told my friend that she cannot adopt these pigs and breed them because 'that's no life for an animal'. They also apparently aren't vaccinating them for things pigs should definitely be vaccinated for, especially since the sanctuary is insisting they live as pets and not be bred or eaten, so they need to get vaccines to keep them healthy. The diseases they can get also affect humans. Like leptospirosis and rabies, for example. The sanctuary also doesn't keep closed herds, apparently, so they bring these pigs in from bad conditions, don't vaccinate them, put them in with a bunch of other pigs that also aren't vaccinated and could have these diseases, and then adopt them out to people. Sounds like a great idea.

Plus, this raided farm also had maremmas. Working LGDs. They all went to a local humane society, who is insisting they be spayed and neutered before they adopt them out. Whatever, fine. My friend has a working maremma and called the humane society to inquire about adopting one of the dogs. Again, these are working LGDs raised on a farm. The shelter refused, saying they were only adopting them out as pets. Adult LGDs that have worked their whole lives and don't live in the house. Again, great plan.

These places really need to educate themselves on farm animals before attempting to findnew homes for them.
Morning all!

Yesterday we moved the tiny fluff butt army into newly constructed temporary brooders in the barn. 90% of these guys will be going to their new home at the 4H directors house on Tuesday, but in the meantime they were smelling up my guest bathroom so they needed to move out. We bought big totes and cut the tops out, replaced them with hardware cloth in case any sneaky cats had any ideas.


and then we went to a wedding!

These are a breed that is trying to be preserved. There are DNA databases for them to prevent inbreeding and you take samples from pigs from unknown breeding to send in and have tested to see if they are inbred or if they're from a line that's dwindling off and trying to be saved, etc.
That is really cool! That level of conservation should let people know how important it is too.
The farm sanctuary has told my friend that she cannot adopt these pigs and breed them because 'that's no life for an animal'.
I love and respect just about anything that goes towards saving animals. I do understand over breeding, but we're not taking about dogs and cats. It's sad they have such a narrow view on what they are doing. They could be a part of something so much bigger than just saving 2-3 pigs. 2-3 pigs saved is a good day, but an entire breed is an achievement.
Again, these are working LGDs raised on a farm. The shelter refused, saying they were only adopting them out as pets.
They are going to get someone hurt.

Morning all!

Yesterday we moved the tiny fluff butt army into newly constructed temporary brooders in the barn. 90% of these guys will be going to their new home at the 4H directors house on Tuesday, but in the meantime they were smelling up my guest bathroom so they needed to move out. We bought big totes and cut the tops out, replaced them with hardware cloth in case any sneaky cats had any ideas.

View attachment 2028399

and then we went to a wedding!

View attachment 2028400
Great picture of you two! Lucky little chicks are going to be pampered. :D

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