I woke up this morning around 3:15 with a Charley horse in my right calf and thigh muscles. As I scurried up to get some weight on my leg, I managed to step on Bella, smack Dino, and fell on top of Loki. All while yelling "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Obviously, none of the contact was on purpose, but I did manage to assualt all the dogs here in about 3 seconds.

Thankfully I didn't hurt anyone, but I did frighten Loki. She ran over to Mary and just started shaking. I felt horrible. I went and laid down face to face with her and gave her a little butt rub. Poor girl was just trembling, so I baby talked her for a second, and then she rolled over to give me her belly.

I think it's really neat that an animal that we are not able to verbally communicate with can understand us so well. A deaf person can have the same exact experience I do with my dog. I mean within reason. They might deal with a barking dog differently, but on a companion level it's all still love. Love expands beyond the boundaries of verbalization.

Loki is only 3 years old, 9 lbs in weight, and roughly 10" in height. She can only look up to me (physically) and has the visual perspective of a crawling baby. Yet, she knows what's going in with me most of the time. I can frown at her and she'll drop her ears. I can smile and she'll perk on up. I can blow her a kiss and she gets so excited she her feet seem to stammer below her. All without speaking.

I get the concept of body language, the idea of domestication, and that humans have lived with dogs longer that records have been kept. I'm no pet psychologist, but I get why we are able to have a silent communication with dogs. What I have a hard time understanding is why humans can't seem to do the same thing. I mean, we are the only species we can verbally communicate with. Yet, we as a species are rather poor at it.

I have the gift of gab and can talk all day. (ask @cra8ychix, literally all day capable) I know not everyone can do that, and that's fine. When I say communicate though, I don't just mean to speak. We (again as a species, not talking about anyone in particular) can't seem to understand one another. Is is because we can't communicate? Is it because we can't interoperate? I don't know. What happens to us as adults that makes it so difficult to have open communication?

I got in an arguement yesterday for agreeing with a person... Yeah, I agreed. Then I was accused of patronizing them. Then I was put in a position if defense, for having the same thought process. Then I was hung up on. This is a family member who I know better than pretty much anyone else.

I can fall with 200lbs of weight on a dog the size of a baby, and get forgiveness instantly upon apology. No question of my intent or seriousness. Yet someone who loves me can't seem to accept I'm being truthful when I agree with them. It just doesn't makes sense to me.

Anywho, if you made it to the end, thanks for reading my contemplations on communication.
I love ya faces!
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On that same note, but much less serious... I sure do love my dogs! These 3 we have here are quite the silly bunch. The only reason I was able to assault all of them so fast is because they're that freaking close to me when I sleep. Mrs Bella is included in that too. That big girl likes to lay wherever I am. If I sit on the couch, she lays between it and the coffee table. There's barley enough room for her to walk there, but she manages to get down and spread out. Laying down, she's the same length of the freaking table. It's quite silly to watch. ;)
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The youngsters first day of freedom went relativity well. We did have one "Uh oh" moment. I have a plastic 55g barrel that is cut in in half, and has collected water. The 55F cockerel fell in it. Luckily there was only about 4" of water and he could stand up. He was pretty shaken up though. I took him out, and gave him a bath. Little fella was pathetic looking, and didn't try fighting me off at all. I dried him off and put him in the pin with 2 girls to keep him company. When it was bed time he looked to have calmed down and snuggled up to his girls.

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Good morning Chris! Thinking further on your communication thought... do you think people have a much harder time communicating now then say, 20 years ago? I feel like the more technology communication advances, the more incapable people become of proper communication. I personally have a hard time understanding people without seeing their body language.

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