Good Day, Afternoon, Evening, Night or Morning to Everybody on the wonderful Blue Marble Planet 🌏

Stormy day in West Virginia today! It seems i have been a stormy character during the last year. There's a saying in Germany that the weather on your birthday reflects how you behaved during the last year…
Thank you very much for all the good wishes! ❤🎂🍰🎉
I've already started the yearly 'bring home dying chicks from work every day and see if I can save them' routine.

So far I've brought home A LOT of chicks. Have saved two turkeys, about seven bantams, an australorp pullet, a barred rock, and two brahmas out of all of them.

Also, we hate the new brooder system. It sucks. The chicks can't get warm enough, I've had to rescue two chicks out of the feeder trough that they managed to get into, and so far my coworkers have found at least four that got into the water trough and drowned. And last night a brahma launched itself out of the top brooder while the door was opened and killed itself.

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