Okay before I make a thread, any ideas on this? The drake (second photo) has very early stage bumbles going on so any suggestions on that would be great too but the extra skingrowth/tags/corns? What on earth are they?
And for bedding, I have straw or wood chips readily available anything else would take over a month to get so preference? I don't think the dirt is great for their feet when its as compact as concrete and I can't replace it. It just soaks the poo into it which I find gross
What breeds do you have? Sound like my pekins
Black Swedish (the possible chunky ones) & Anconas.

I leave food 24/7 that way they get bored and eat less. With designated feeding times, they were crazy hungry and ate more food. Could be a stress thing? I just adopted a starving cat or she adopted me, and she's food crazy.

I was doing that over the winter, but the bugs are out full force so I'm trying to switch them to morning and afternoon feedings. That could be causing the frenzy though, they act as if they've never seen food for the PM feed 🤔

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