This just can't end well...


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN


Nobody messes with Robin and gets away with it!
Dodger the kitten just can't seem to resist the urge to tease the chickens. They all will turn around and pop him on the head. Some guys never learn...
Great picture! It reminds me of yesterday when one of my RIR's wandered too far from home and ended up in our neighbor's yard about 400' away. I watched as the neighbor's two cats stalked her. Every time one got too close, she puffed up real big and chased them off. They were persistent, but she stood her ground!

Our own cats learned a long time ago not to mess with the girls.
my cats go through all my coops and runs with me and hang out with the meaties. they all like each other, but i am sure one day there will be a disagreement that puts the kitties at the edge of disaster!

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