This or That


Sep 11, 2023
Central Oregon
In considering adopting from a local chicken friend who is thinning out birds before a big life change, I’m curious what you all think about the two breeds up for grabs and how they might fit into my current flock. The ladies in consideration are an Amber Star and a Partridge Rock. From all my reading I believe the Amber Star would be the better choice if I decide to take on another gal but y’all are the experts so I bring my considerations to the BYC forum. In my flock I currently have one each of the following; “Color Pack Blue”, Sapphire Gem, Light Brahma and a Dominant Copper. The Brahma is the head hen and the Sapphire is the friendliest. In terms of my flock composure I value a friendly, easy going hen who is not susceptible to bullying nor being bullied. I am not overly concerned with high production, mostly I want everyone to get along well and would value any light y’all can shed. Thanks guys!
If you have space, I'd get them both. Integrating a lone hen is very difficult on the hen and take a lot longer before the are fully integrated.

Either breed will be fine in an already mixed breed flock as they are not drastically different in appearance from your current flock. In other words, they are not Silkies or Polish.

I only have a two birds of one breed in my flock of 22. All the rest are a mix of different pure breeds and a lot of barnyard mixes with lots of color variation.

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