Thoughts on the baked potato method on removing spurs.

Sunshine Coop

Apr 1, 2020
Monroe Pennsylvania
I have been recently researching ways to trim down rooster spurs. My rooster isn't even a year old so he does not need it done, but I was wondering about your thoughts on the baked potato method. I would rather use this method than any of the other ones I've heard about which were sawing it off, ripping it off w/o the potato, and cutting it off. What are your opinions on this method? Do you have any other ways to trim a rooster's spurs? Thanks! ❤
The thing with a dog nail clipper is it’s not stout enough for a grown cocks spurs and can actually pop the spur off. I’ve tried the heavy duty ones and won’t use them again. Another way is to use a hacksaw with a rough blade. Rub bar soap on the saw teeth first and you’ll get an easier cut. I’ll stick to my mini grinder,

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