Took in some ducks help!


5 Years
May 13, 2016
Upstate NY
So I know nothing about caring for ducks and I've taken in 6 Khaki? Campbell? They are so skiddish they run in coop when I walk by I can't get anywhere near them. I have a small pool set up and I have food for them. I think I have to get rid of some. My brother said you can only have one male to 3 females an I think there are 4 males to two females. Any advice?
I think they are a couple months old if that. I know they are younger because you can barely tell the difference between the males an females. Thank You for the links I will look at them. Will they ever become a little more social with me or will they always act so skiddish? I would like to let them out of their coop to free roam the yard eventually.
I'm not sure of the age I think a couple months old just starting to show coloring on the males. I think I'm going to get rid of the 3 males.

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